Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Need some advice quickly !!!! Our Milo (6 months old) loves poop. Chases my English Bulldog when he knows its time and eats all his poop like a carvel store fills a cone. Its disgusting and starting to affect how we feel about him. He poops then immediately turns around and ingests it. Our vet said we are feeding him the appropriate amount of a great quality food. Its impossible to follow the 2 of them out in the yard everytime the go out. Im trying tobasco sauce, bitter apple and pineapple in his food.

Its getting to a point where my kids wont go near him because of his brown beard and breath smelling of you know what. I feel terrible for him because he is a sweet dog and seems confused while I take him to the garage to clean his beard and mouth.  Ive had many dogs and I guess we got lucky not having this severe problem.

I cant see us keeping him if it will affect our family this way. It wont be fair to him also. My 2 kids run away from him gagging.He just stares at them wondering why....

Please help

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I have one who eats poop also. My suggestions are to leash him and take him out for potty time and do immediate correction., and reward for not eating. Picking up poop ASAP all the time. I think applesauce seemed to help mine for awhile when we fed it to both dogs, but I'm not sure if it was that or just our diligence that caused her to avoid the poop. She doesn't eat it when we are around her, only if left outside alone. And those times are few and only after any remaining poop has been picked up . Good luck, it is disgusting and we don't allow Bella to kiss or lick us either. I don't think she knows any thing is wrong or feels badly about it. Good luck and I wish I had a cure for you but I don't.

You're going to have to keep him on a leash when he's outside. That way you can prevent him from eating poop, correct him for trying, and clean it up immediately. It's inconvenient, but far from impossible. Lots of dog owners don't have yards at all, and always have to take their dogs out on leash. Hopefully, with some time and patience, you can train him to stop this behavior. 

You're right, it's not uncommon but it is disgusting-at least to humans. I don't have any actual experience to share but others have and hopefully they will chime in here. I did find this video about using a citronella collar for aversion training which would probably something I would try myself if the pineapple/ bitter apple approach fails. He is young and at a very trainable age so he could respond to this very quickly. Best of luck and let us know how it goes because there are always others looking for help with this issue.

My dogs love poop also, especially cat poop.  We are walking on a beautiful trail somewhere and they see some poop and gobble it up.  They definitely know the "leave it" command and I use it all the time, but sometimes I just don't catch them quickly enough.  I have tried muzzles when we are walking and Groucho hates that.  Last week he got sick from eating some fresh cow poop.  I took him to the vet and they gave him some antibiotics, something in a slurry, and a hydration pack (injected under the skin).  He was fine the next day, but is still on meds.  I would be very careful about making sure he gets his worm medicine as that can be one of the results of eating poop.  If it is his own poop, that would be less of a problem, but worth the caution.  It is disgusting, I know, but just try to be diligent about getting to the poop before he does.  That is about the only suggestion I can give.

I learned of the Outfox Hood from my IBD Dogs support group. It's meant to protect dogs' faces from foxtails while out hiking, but for dogs with GI disease, ingesting anything other than their regular food can have serious consequences, so some of the IBD dog owners use this to prevent their dogs from eating anything outside. I recommended it to one doodle owner here and she loved it. You might give it a try:

That looks like such a good idea, I hate those muzzles that scream 'my dog bites' but this is simple and looks easy to put on without causing the dog any distress. Poop eating with that on would be impossible. I had a dog that eat poop once years ago and I agree it's such a gross habit to us humans. I know it's no comfort but it's a much more common habit than I think people realize. There are quite a few dogs here that do it for sure. I think breaking the habit over a period of time may just end the problem. How difficult can it be to stick that on before the dog goes out? 

Wish we could get an entire mesh suit for my dogs! I hate fox tails.

Interesting idea. I could see my dogs trying to paw it off though.

From what I understand, it fastens to the collar somehow. 

I saw the tab that holds on to the collar. I don't think the dog could remove it but I can see Luca for one, trying to paw it off as he does when I put clothing or something on his head when I'm kidding around. Of course this is less intrusive than that.

I feel bad for him!  the loose mesh sounds like a good idea or else on a leash at all times.  not pleasant- I hate when Q. has his dog food in his beard!  good luck



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