Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I didn't get a doodle because they "don't shed" (haha), but obviously would not mind the fine convenience if mine happens not to. She is an F1, obviously more likely to shed. We only just got her and is a couple of months old. Right now she is not shedding at all. How likely is it that she will continue to not shed? Do most shedders (in your experience) shed early on... or do most shedders start shedding later into adulthood? Just curious! Thanks :)

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Spud never shed or blew a coat but he matted. Still does. He is an F1b

Starlit an F2, started blowing a puppy coat at 4..5 months. Serious blowing. Worse than a dog shedding in the Spring. I thought I had a big shedder on my hands but now I do not think this is true. Like you, it really does not matter to me if she does or doesn't.

She is 8 months now. I rarely , if ever see clumps of hair. But it did last a few months. It may be because she has had a few really good haircuts and she likes to be groomed.

I found it strange she started so early because I always heard it was around 8 months that it started. But for us, at 8 months it has ended
Yes, mine were certainly much later. Calla was almost a year when she started.

Oh this is music to my ears...I hope our Loki does the same! He is 6 months old now. He has shed since the day we brought him home...he was 7 weeks old :)

My doodle has shed from birth.  There has never been a day when he didn't shed and when he blows his coat?  Hey, maybe I could learn to knit......

He started at around 8-9 months, and now, at a little bit over a year, it's all but stopped. Just a few hairs here and there.
Rosco is an F1 labradoodle and he shed from the start, despite being the curliest of his litter. I wasn't asking for a non-shedder though, so didn't care, but was surprised. I noticed almost immediately that after he'd been in his crate for a while, there'd be little hair tumbleweeds in the back of his crate.
Buddy is an F1 goldendoodle. He started to shed around a year old and he was shedding like crazy. Changing his food has reduced the shedding to almost nothing (see food group). He's 2 years old now.
WHAT FOOD helps doodles NOT to shed.  I don't like shedding at all.  My doodle is 7 months old and has been shedding for a month now.  Not sure if it's from the drugs after being neutered, or it's his coat change.  Whatever, I'd sure like to get to the bottom of it.  He's itching too.  I have him on Benadryl twice a day now.  Maybe he needs a food change!  HELP!

I just bought a furminator de-shedding tool. it was the best thing that I ever bought!!!!!!!!!!! :)  I swear I got soooo much hair from the under coat off. I was very impressed. Jaxon does not have a curly coat except behind his ears. I am hoping that it will help with all the hair gathering on the floor

Jake is an 11 month old F1 Goldendoodle.  He shed very little until about 9 months.  Now he sheds a ton.  I am hopeful that he is just "blowing" is coat and the shedding will minimize.



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