Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We will be adding a second doodle to our family in December.  Kandy (current doodle, spayed female) is almost 3 and we've had her since she was 10 months.  Murphy (soon to be ours, neutered male) is 1 1/2.  They come from the same breeder (my sister-in-law) but are not related.  Murphy was returned from her first family when they realized that keeping a doodle crated all day made for an unhappy doodle. (Um, yeah)  Murphy has been living with her "breeder mom" for the last few months so is used to other dogs.  Kandy, on the other hand, has been an only dog, and very spoiled, since we got her.  Tips on bringing them together?  We'll probably only have a week with everyone home before we have to go back to our weekday routine.  Kandy is usually very good with other dogs at the dog park, though a little timid with a new friend.

First meeting options: park (both on a leash), dog park (off leash), mother-in-laws house (chaos with lots of people), our house (quiet, but Kandy's home), something I haven't thought about?  Suggestions?

Currently Kandy has the run of the house, alone for the day until the kids come home from school.  She mostly sleeps on our bed and I'm resigned to sharing bed with two dogs in the future.  (Two large adults, two large dogs, one king sized bed is probably going to feel mighty small!)  Kandy is not crate trained, though obviously Murphy is, but perhaps "too" used to the crate.  Should I plan on confining them to part of the house at first?  I could gate kitchen/family room (linoleum floors) and leave both dogs there.  Or one dog in kitchen/family room and one free? 

Murphy will come with all of his "stuff" so I don't anticipate fights over beds/bowls/etc.  Should I set up separate, open, crates for both?  These are full-sized doodles so these are BIG crates but worth the space if it would make them comfortable to have their own "den".

Anything else I should think about before this all comes to pass?  Thanks for your expert advice!


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Rebecca I have four Goldendoodles and I usually take dogs along when I pick up. You don't want a high excitement area.

This is my limit. But I love them all.

Get coupler so you can walk together on one leash when you leave from picking dog up. You be calm and all will go well. Your breeder should meet you at a neutral place not at a kennel as would be a lot of excitement their. Walk side by side for a bit talking calmly etc. After dogs get acquainted with each other hook up to your coupler with Kandy walk back to car. Positive reinforcement my dear. Let me know how it goes.

Bev & Pack

Hi Rebecca!
Here's what I generally do. I let them meet at a neutral place. I like to take them to my kids school because there is a kindergarten play area that is completely fenced in and secure (when school is out). I bring both dogs in with leashes then secure the area on the weekend or week night with no other distractions. Next I let them sniff a bit being careful not to pull on the leashes. Ifcthey seem ok,I let them drag their leashes in the enclosed secure area and do their dog sniffing thing. If all goes well next step is our secure backyard and then finally the house. Make sure to watch how they interact and do not coddle the less dominate one. Dogs have a pack structure.
How exciting about your new addition. :)

Clancy was two when we got him.  We introduced them at the shelter in a neutral place where they were fine. We put them all in the back of the car and went home.  Our 'pack' leader put him in his place immediately. Ned did it the next day, but our Springer and Clancy had several arguments - who was going to be #3 dog and who was #4.  We picked up all 'high value' (to them) toys once we realized which ones they were (mostly bones and nylabones) to avoid confrontations.  We also kept Clancy and Gordie separated when we weren't home just to be safe. We alternated with who was with Clancy and who was with Gordie - since we had 4. No crates, just different house parts since all were housebroken - however Clancy was always in the area with the doggie door.

For feeding we use the same room but put Clancy behind a partial wall.  We made him sit while we put the food down and then released him to eat.  He figured this out really quick because if he went for the food, we picked it up.



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