Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hello, I was wondering if anyone here had any pups from the previous litter of Caspian & Victoria from Smeraglias?  I was also wondering if anyone had any F1B Standards from Smeraglias?  With the coats fully grown in?? Thank you so much!! She was due Nov 9th, so I'm just waiting and waiting!!  Thanks all.

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I posted something on the Smeraglia group so check it out. Our Sophie is 5 mos old and is from Smeraglia. She is still gettng her coat to come in and especilly around their faces - the Teddy Bear Look is starting to emerge. I did have her to the groomers and they took some of the undercoat out that was straggly.! She is from Pumpkin and Oscar and is red. A medium size and already 30 lbs!

Hedy Tufo--I have a list of doodles & their parents and know a lot of Caspian pups; I don't see any Victoria pups.  I will friend you here and send you a message with a list of names.  You should ask the office to add you to the Smeraglia Teddybear Goldendoodle fb group page, which is private, so you can try to contact these people/put forth your question as to who has a pup from your pup's parents!

Thank you!  Our litter was born on the 16th, I got the email yesterday.  I believe it's 8 weeks and than two weeks of puppy training I still have awhile to go.  I'm watching that movie Beethoven atm so i'm a little nervous about getting a puppy! lol.

They start off small, just start teaching acceptable behavior from the beginning! Look forward to group photos at 2 & 4 weeks & individual photos & a Vimeo at 6 weeks! Temperament tests at 7 weeks!



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