Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I am so beyond baffled...Finley's breath was really smelling this weekend so I went to take a look in his mouth to make sure all was ok. I found all these white (large bumps). The vet was already closed for the weekend so I went to google. ;0). It turns out the white "bumps" are warts!!!! The pictures online look exactly like what's in his mouth and it's the "canine papalloma" virus...our human version is hpv. From what I've read this is highly contagious (between dogs) and will last about 4-6 weeks and then go away (I will need confirmation from my vet on this bc I don't know how warts just go away). I am just so beyond baffled on how he got this??? I guess from daycare. Have any of y'all experienced this with your doodle? I would have never noticed it if I weren't specifically looking in his mouth so this probably goes unnoticed a lot of the time. Just curious if y'all had any experience and advice...I'm a bit grossed out by it. :0). Pic (gross, sorry!) attached...this is just one portion if his mouth...they are everywhere! Thanks guys!!

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A friend's dog got these a few years back. From what I remember, they usually occur in younger dogs and they disappear on their own as the dogs immune system strengthens. Didn't make sense to me either. But she did have to put him on antibiotics, since some of the warts became infected. I don't know if that was common or not. Keep us posted...I'm interested and hearing the how, the why, and the cure!

PS her dog was not a Doodle...I think it is fairly common in dogs, period. Not breed specific.

Charlie had one CPV lesion in his mouth when he was about a year old, and it probably came from someone at daycare. The only treatment was time and he was excluded from day care until it was completely gone- I estimate this was about 8 weeks. I did my best to keep him away from close contact with other dogs- i.e. no meeting dogs on walks or going to the dog park.

I think you're right about it going unnoticed-- I am guessing if people don't look at the mouth, they wouldn't see it. I too noticed the stinkier than usual breath and investigated further. Even brushing his teeth every day I didn't see it a for a few days.

We've had it with our other two dogs - our LD hasn't had it yet...but yeah, it can range from one to several, just depends on the dog...then all of a sudden, they are gone.  Kind of ugly to see if they are somewhere that it's really visible, but from what our vet told us, totally harmless.  I wouldn't stress about it.

Thanks guys! We have an appt with our vet tomorrow afternoon. I'll let yall know what he says. I swear, my dogs get the most random stuff! I really do appreciate y'alls thoughts and experiences, thank you! Stay tuned...
So we went to the vet today and it turns out google was right...nothing can be done, it has to run it's course (4-6 weeks). The "warts" should get smaller and "fall off"...the whole thing is so bizarre. The vet said he could laser them all off but he'd have to put Finley under and he'd have trouble eating for a couple days after...I just don't see the point in putting him through that if it's not necessary (I had a hard enough time doing it when he got neutered!) . White warts in his mouth aren't ideal, but if they're not hurting him and will go away in a few weeks I say we let nature take it's course.
Thanks for the update. I agree: no use in putting him under if they will disappear on their own. I would do the same. Hoping they disappear sooner, rather than later! So is he " quarantined"?
Thanks Ro, me too! And yes, he's quarantined. Sigh. I don't know what I'm going to do...he has SO much energy and daycare has been such a blessing! I take him three times a week and it's changed our world, I just cannot seem to wear him out like daycare does! And if he goes two days in a row without going, he is a BALL of mischievous energy. We cannot go four weeks, we just can't. Part of me wants to pretend like I don't know and take him but that thinking (from another pet parent) got us here in the first place so even though it will drive us both nuts, I will be a responsible paw parent. :(. Maybe I can put him on the treadmill? (Just kidding!!!)
I feel your pain! Keeping Enzo calm for the days after she was spayed about killed us all! But, at least you can maybe toss a ball or frisbee in the yard to wear him out. And ya know the treadmill isn't that far-fetched! One place we took our older Golden to would put him on the treadmill. I tried it at home and he caught on really quick. Have never tried it with Enzo tho. Best of luck to you!



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