Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I'm starting a discussion because it took me forever to find the comments that I posted before regarding this!
Charlie has always been gassy but it seems especially bad lately. He have tried a couple probiotics and for the past couple of weeks he's taken Gentle Digest daily. It doesn't seem to make any difference. I also occasionally will give me an activated charcoal capsule but that is a pain in the butt (no pun intended) since I have to get it down his throat.
He is eating Orijen and I hate to switch. In the past, he has left food and at least with the Orijen he always finishes his meal so I think it is going well... except for the stinky part.
Any other ideas?
Our greyhounds had terrible terrible gas whenever they ate anything, literally. We tried so many things that didn't work (food changes, probiotics etc). They literally stank us out of the house for a period of time. We ended up using Prozyme with 100% satisfaction. If we didn't sprinkle it on their food, instant gas that night. It became a staple each night, 1/2 tsp sprinkled over top their food. I honestly didn't research it to death (like we do with most things) b/c it was recc by another dog owner and when it was the first thing to work, we ran with it. Not sure what to say except that the instant we used it, things were instantly better.
I have two doodles and both are on Orijen. My Millie has the most foul smelling gas EVER!! Cooper does not. I'm not sure if it's the Orijen or she's just a stinky girl. :( Not very ladylike, I must say.
The only thing I can think of is to try simethicone (Gas-X). Dosage is one half to one full human adult dose.
Charcoal is the recommended remedy. Can you try coating the capsules with something that he likes?
Some other FG members have experienced their dogs having excess gas after switching to Orijen, but it went away after a month or two. I know it's longer that this is going on with Charlie.
I have no experience with Prozyme. The company's claims are bogus, as dog make their own digestive enzymes and if they didn't, due to some type of malabsorption disease, the plant enzymes in Prozyme wouldn't help. But apparently others have had success with it, so there's no harm in trying it, except to your pocketbook.
My only other suggestion would be adding a couple of tablespoons of plain unflavored fat-free yogurt to his meals. Does he eat twice a day?
Prozyme has amazing reviews everywhere that I've found it sold. It might be worth a try.
Meanwhile, I'm going to try and give Charlie the charcoal regularly and see how that goes.
I just worry that if he smells that bad, his tummy might not be feeling very good either. :(
Is his stool firm and well-formed?
Yes, no problem there.
I wouldn't worry about any stomach issues, then. Usually, if there is any kind of digestive issue that is causing them pain or discomfort, the stool is affected. Gas in dogs is usually caused by gulping or swallowing air. Here's a good article:
Mojo was eating Orijen for 2 months and had terrible gas. I switched him to grain free Fromm and he rarely gets gas now.
Charlie has always been gassy. I hate to take him off Orijen because he actually eats it well. We tried Fromm before going to Orijen and none of my dogs seem to like it.
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