Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I honestly don't know where to put this post, so if its in the wrong place, please move it Mods. :)
I'm a bit frustrated and a little shocked regarding a recent event. A close friend is wanting to get a puppy for their family for Christmas (we can all go into the holiday/ puppy thing later but just bear with me). They want a new pup because their other dog is very old and they have always had a dog etc and want to get their new 4 legged family member while old one is still alive. They have always got shelter dogs. To be fair, they are VERY good to the dogs in their family. They take good care of it, exercise, training, its truly a part of their family.
They have a medium dog and they really want a small dog. They asked me to help locate one because they know I do "dog stuff". Now I researched ALOT before I got our dog. I researched breeders more than a year before finally selecting a breeder and I had to make sure we were done with all the medical stuff at our house before adding a dog. It was a 2 year search until I brought our first doodle home. I told them this. But they want the Christmas puppy.
I know the general public doesn't typically think this much beforehand and my friend is no different. They want a Christmas puppy under the premise that they will all be home for 2 1/2 weeks and they think that will be a good time to bring pup in. I've discussed in depth with them issues with this as well as charging into this guns blazing expecting to find anything now without research. I have my own opinions about that but lets move on.
They asked if I knew of any rescues of small "poo" dogs. I was like "whats a poo dog?" but apparently that can be a malti-poo, sheltie-poo, yorkie-poo, small dogs crossed with a small poodle. I guess I should have known this seeing as I have labradoodles. opps.
Anyway, I looked and talked to all the rescues. No poos. Just pitbulls or Chihuahuas are really all that's available. I don't know if the general public all want Christmas pups or what but their isn't a lot of selection at the shelters.
So I suggested contacting breeders. But that takes a lot of work. I started to do this for them but oh dear, I cannot believe how many BRB there are. Breeding all kinds of random small dogs to each other without thought. No health guarantees and the oddest names I've ever heard. I mean when I was researching for myself I had to go out of state to find someone reputable. I guess I never really dealt with BRB. The phone calls to some of these places were very sketchy.
I really couldn't find anything I could recommend. So what a frustrating situation all around. I know many of you will say to dissuade them from getting a pup for Christmas. Its not going to happen because they have their minds set and they are pretty much like family to us. I was trying to help make the best out of the situation but it was just upsetting. Thanks for letting me vent. I know you guys get it.
You certainly were not on Petfinder. Petfinder does not sell dogs. It lists dogs/cats/pigs/chickens in rescue groups and shelters.
Another key point here, is that petfinder does not have the breed Goldendoodle or Labradoodle anywhere in their listings. After all, there is not breed as Goldendoodle or Labradoodle and you will never find that category on a petfinder search. It does not exist.
Here is what the site says:
Petfinder is made up of animal-care professionals and regular people volunteering for their local animal welfare organizations all working together to maintain active and accurate homeless pet lists.
Home of 374,690 adoptable pets from 13,433 adoption groups
......Only nonprofit organizations will be included (but Federal 501(c)(3) status is not necessary).
Petfinder is only a directory of homeless pets and pet adoption organizations.
What I would like to point out is that yes, there are some shelters and rescues that are difficult to deal with, but they are not Petfinder. Petfinder is just the listing site. Any bad experiences anyone has had were bad experiences with a specific rescue or shelter. So say "I don't recommend Ripoff Rescue or Shady Shelter", but please don't make statements like "Petfinder is a scam" or "I don't recommend Petfinder", "I dislike" Petfinder, etc. You didn't have any dealings with Petfinder. Petfinder is not who was called or contacted, who didn't respond, who charges a high fee, or anything else. Listings on Petfinder are the only way that the public can view the dogs that are with most private rescue groups. There is no shelter to go to.
It's really hard for me to know what to say to friends and acquaintances whose thinking about dogs differs greatly from mind. I know some pretty terrific people and their only 'flaw' is their differing beliefs in the acquisition/breeding/keeping of dogs department. It bugs me but I can't write off good people because they aren't 100% good.
Good Grief!!! I really cannot imagine.
I never would have thought about the "Christmas puppy" thing but it makes sense. One of my biggest pet peeves is when people purchase a dog on impulse without a full commitment. I know several people who have habitually brought dogs home only to get rid of them months or years later for their own selfish reasons. I have to say, I only researched labradoodles for about a month before I got Crush. I grew up with a golden retriever and labradors, but someone suggested a labradoodle because my boyfriend wanted a non-shedding dog. Crush was 13 weeks when I got her and I got her a few weeks before I was ready. However, I was so glad that I did because I am a preschool teacher and don't work summers. I had 4 whole weeks that I got to spend all day at home with her giving her my full attention and training her well. I didn't get a dog because I wanted a cute little puppy to play with. I got her to be a member of my family for the rest of her life. I can see why Christmas puppies would be that cute little puppy to play with. I can also see why it would just be a good time of year for some to bring a new dog home.
I haven't read everyone's responses as yet, but there is also
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