Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

A few months ago someone posted about a meetup at Cannon Beach or another coast location but I can't find the post. Would anyone like to meet this April?

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Thanks for the info.  Well if you want to take Fazzy to the beach for Christmas eve or Christmas day we'd gladly meet up with you.  Our goal is to have the dogs out running around as much as possible.  We will arrive in the area Sunday the 22nd and start back home (to SoCal) on Sunday the 29th.  We'll probably stay near the coast to avoid snowy/frozen roads!  We'd love to meet up with you if you have the time.

I posted a note on the breeders facebook with a shout out to the siblings and a few of them I sent private messages.  Sassy was especially close to one of them and I hope they see the post.  There were only five in the litter and one other one is out of state like us, not sure about the one she was close to though??  I think it would be a hoot to get together but location and time may be a problem?  Most are in the Washington state area so this would be a drive for them?  I would totally do it but not sure others are as crazy and adventurous as we are! lol

You would depend on where in WA State they are - getting to the Long Beach area from here in Vancouver is a bit of a drive...we go up Hwy 30 on the Oregon side to Astoria, then up Hwy 101 to Long Beach/Ocean Park.  Are you driving up 101 from No CA thru Oregon?  Depending on the weather, it's not totally out of possibility that you could see snow on the coast.  Right now, it's REALLY cold here and down on the coast...down in the 20's and mid 30's for highs....but BEAUTIFUL.  Have you been up this way before?  As time gets closer and I see what the weather is like, it's possible that I might drive over to Astoria on Xmas eve to meet with you and let the pups play...that would be fun!!  Depending on temps and rain - - that'll be my decision - can be slick, or just really crappy pouring rain  :-)

Haven't completely mapped it out yet,  I was hoping to drive up the 5 and cross over once in Oregon but mom is paniked so we may take the coast all the way?  I was hoping for a straight shot to Astoria then meandor on the way home.  Along the coast in California are the elephant seals so I want to stop and see those funny looking critters again, near San Simeon they have a brand new viewing deck that's really nice.  At this point we are doing the same watching the weather and will take it from there.  My sister lives in the San Juan Islands in WA.  When my daughter was younger we used to take this drive every year (Easter and sometimes summer) but now it's less often.  A few years back on our way to my sisters over Christmas break we stayed in Long Beach WA at the Anacortes Cottages,  cute place with dog friendly rooms but we have three big dogs this time so the 2 dog limit killed us.  The KOA in Astoria has a pet friendly deluxe cabin and they don't descriminate accept for certain breeds so we are good, plus there is no per pet fee!  If you know of a beach that is easier to get to for you or around Astoria we are game.  As long as there is open space to chase a ball my girl is happy.  I hope we get the chance to meet up. 



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