Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Have not been on this site for over a year. Lost my dad and my best friend of 44 years. We have struggled with our little labradoodle Molly and only recently after 5 years of constant health issues discovered she has Addison's disease. When we got her she didn't eat well (thought she was picky?), spit up or vomited occasionally, struggled with stomach issues, scratching and chewing all the time, diarrhea, sick a lot!, and we went in and out of the vet office almost monthly. She has had all kinds of infections in her stomach and bladder...why... apparently immune issues from Addison's disease. I spent a fortune on food, cooked my own for her, medicine, and she was IV'd for dehydration several times. Lots and lots of blood work to no avail. Emotional years coupled with the family loss and our own aging issues. The cost has been extreme to say the least. Finally,after a personal friend gave me information that it might be in her line and came from a parent. I called the vet and he tested her for Addison's disease with the ACTH test. Yes, we discovered that she has Addison's disease. Five years of struggling and not knowing what to do. When we have people over...she got sick, if we left....she got sicker....stress aggravates Addison's disease. Now we understand so much more. I tried to call the breeder and owner of the sire to no avail. I felt that the breeders needed to be made aware of this. No call back. Hope her other sisters or brothers don't have this. We love our Molly so much and it has really taken a toll on her and us emotionally and financially. She got her first shot this week, and she is also on daily prednisone until she goes in for her monthly blood work and the vet determines the proper dosage of everything. Glad we finally discovered the reason for Molly's problems. I hope no one has to go through this. Left untreated a dog this is a life threatening disease and shortens their life span. Also, dog breeders need to be made aware and thus prevent future breeding of dogs that carry this negative gene.
When I got Molly we had problems from the onset. I called the breeder to make sure she had been checked for worms, etc. Maybe it was the food...???? We were at the vets every week for the first year. We had her blood analyzed repeatedly and sent off to different labs. Nothing unusual....just like her initial blood work before the ACTH shot. After the shot there was a change and this was the marker of Addison's disease. Believe me we assumed from all the years of vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, etc. that she had colitis...G I problems, etc. It is a relief to know what she has and that we can prayfully provide her with a longer and more healthy life.
I'm sorry for your losses and to hear about Molly's diagnosis. It must have been a very hard year but I hope you'll be able to manage the condition successfully and that you have a better year ahead.
I am so glad that you posted here so that you could get more information from people who have experience with this disease. Merry Christmas to your family and wishes for a much better 2014.
Oh, I am sorry this has happened to you and Molly but glad that you finally know the cause of her problems and treatment. Hug to both of you.
Let me add a note to my post. I have contacted and received a response from owners of both the sire and dam. I have also been getting a lot of support from my friends on DoodleKisses and your thoughts and best wishes are really appreciated. Merry Christmas everyone!!!!
I'm sorry to hear about your family, however, I'm happy that you were able to discover the cause of Molly's mysterious illness (and I'm sure Molly is too). Thank you for sharing your story, sometimes I wonder if my own dog's stomach concerns are related to something more serious too. Best wishes for the new year!
Considering those who spend time on this site are owners of "Doodles" I will state what I have recently discovered. I found a web site that is very beneficial in generating information which gleans an overview of Addison's Disease and bases information on doodles. Molly had GI issues, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. from the moment we got her. As most pet owners will concur, they would never give back a puppy after receiving one. Also, as a puppy you assume they need to get used to their forever home, and recover from all the trauma of change and flight to their home. You fall in love the moment you see your little furry baby. So, you try to figure out what is wrong using every venue possible, and often diagnosis is random, incorrect, and not easily discerned. Knowledge of this breed is the key in this or any other matter in life. I wish I had been more knowledgeable about the possible negative genetic traits and diseases of our dog's breed. Who are you supposed to rely on? So, I would highly recommend that anyone ever considering purchasing a doodle consider every aspect of the purchase and check all variances that could ultimately affect the health of your pet and the venue for recourse. Molly is a goldendoodle whose mother was as well and her father was a champion poodle. The health problems Molly had resembled stomach issues. So I will continue to study, research, and determine how and why she has this disease. Now, we understand her other unusual muscle spasms and ailments were most likely related to Addisons. I am so glad I was given information which led to my informing my vet and getting her tested for Addisons. I would have lost Molly prematurely, considering we almost lost her this past summer. Testing cost us $500, treatment will run anywhere between $100-$150. They warn you not to do the injection unless you know what you are doing, because injecting into the vein/artery could result in your pet's death. Also, liability with procurement of the drug is another issue and working with adjusting the quantity. All in all, years of vet visits, exploratory surgery, hospital stays, IV's, have been an extremely costly situation for this retired couple. How can we as a group prevent this from happening to others? Knowledge...Anytime a dog is linked to a disease it is a serious piece of knowledge that needs to come to the forefront. I am not accusing anyone, but I did feel that I was being convicted for even mentioning that Molly's ACTH test came out abnormal an indicator of Addison's Disease. I do feel that owners of dogs that were in her line need to be notified because ultimately Addison's Disease produces symptoms that can be misdiagnosed a lot since this disease can prematurely be diagnosed as possible GI issues, colitis, allergies, etc. Your help is greatly appreciated and informative and I will post updates on Molly. Thank you all... my Doodle friends for your responses and assistance.
Read more here:
Thanks for sharing all your information - not that I am wishing Addison's on any other dog, but perhaps all your tireless work will help someone else to a qucker diagnosis and less heartbreak! I hope you are quickly able to figure out Molly's medications and treatment so that you can both get back to a less stressful, healthier life!
Thank you. I pray we are able to get all her medications in line with her medical needs.
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