Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

All I want for Christmas is a Doodle Hug
I want to hear the Potty Bells ring
I want to feel the annoying Nose Nudge
I want to have to go out for a walk on a rainy, windy day.
I want to wake up on Christmas morning and see Doodle eyes staring my way.

December 7, 2008, you entered my life.
I brought you home not knowing what to expect.
You pranced across the threshold,
claiming your domain.

Christmas was different that year.
You snagged the ornaments from the tree,
you ripped ribbons to shred with all your might
you filled the emptiness in my heart.

You loved going to school, learning to perform your duties
You chose to be a service dog because you chose me.
Work for you was always a pleasure,
come on partner we can do this together.
You did your job and you did it well,
you took care of me and made sure I was safe.

Thanksgiving Day, 2013
Such a beautiful day, the sun was shining so bright in the sky.
You brought me your leash, hey lets go,
You mustered the strength to check out the world.
I know you were struggling, but you made my day.

You gave me the courage to say goodbye.
I laid on the floor all night beside you,
my hand on you heart, wanting to feel every beat.
When the sun came up, the time had come
your duties were over, your job complete.

Christmas 2013 will be just another day.
your bed and your toys are packed away
I keep looking for muddy footprints, no longer there.
I miss you big boy. Thanks for the walk.
Buckets of tears are just not enough.


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What a beautiful tribute to Reilly. 


I felt your pain reading your poem. It was lovely, I hope you can feel some peace and know that
Reilly would want it for you.

I have no words.  So I can only offer tears and ((HUGS))

Oh, I truly know what you mean.  My beautiful goldendoodle was diagnosed with cancer on November 24.  They said two months, but he is doing fine.  My son said to ignore it and just enjoy this time.  So that is what we are doing.  Yes, their lives are just too short, but we learn so much from them.  Don't grieve, just be happy for the joy you knew having him in your life.  Cheers!  Enjoy the holidays with those around you.

Oh Connie, this is such a beautiful tribute to Reilly. You must have had a wonderful bond. He must have been very special. We all know your pain and it is hard.  But keep writing. I believe Reilly is still watching over you. ((hugs))

What a lovely tribute to Reily.  I wish for you the day that you can turn your grief and sadness into a smile when you think of him.  We lost Sophie in March and although it can still make me sad when I think about it I see her and think about her in the little things that happen during the day.  From the little things that AnnaBelle does that remind me of her or the winter jacket I pull out for the first time this year to see Sophie hair.  She is all around!  She pops into my head at the strangest times.  I think she just stops by to say Hi Mom!  Hugs to you.

I wanted to add that someone sent me a card that said "When ever you feel me in your heart just look up and I'll be there".  I sort of feel like when ever I feel her in my heart I just have to look around and she is every where.

Connie, I am so sorry for your tremendous loss. My favorite line was about having to go for a walk on rainy, windy day. Even though I sometimes complain about those rainy walks, I would sure miss them. This was a beautiful tribute!

So sorry for your pain and loss.  Again, I am heartbroken at the loss of these young babies.  I hope you can find joy in Reilly's memory - he would want that.

Beautiful, heartfelt poem. I'm so sorry for your loss.

So sorry for your loss. {{ Hugs }}

Lovely poem and tribute to your baby!  Tears are streaming and my heart is hurting for you. You are in my prayers.



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