Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
According to Dr. Stanley Coren, Dogs understand up to 160 words
Gavin understands a dozen or more commands (words which we have "taught" him) but he has picked up several more. We have made it a habit not to "label" exciting activities, as we have met other dogs who go ballistic when they hear the word "walk" which is often shortened to "W" so as not to illicit ballistic response. However, Gavin has picked up on what walk means simply by eavesdropping on conversations between DH and I and making the connection. For example "I am going to take Gavin for a walk now." We are okay with this because he clearly indicates understanding by cocking his head or wagging his tail, without going ballistic. Likewise he understands the meaning of "ball", "eat", "final pee (just before bed)" and several others words and phrases. But his all time favorite thing is his doodle bff Mylie (and he certainly know her name)
You will also notice his response to his release word "ok" :)
I consider Gavin to be middle of the road in the intelligence department. I would love to hear what other doodles know.
How sweet, love your Libby!
I love seeing videos and this one of Gavin is adorable. Riley know too many.... we have to spell some (backwards) LOL Boris know just enough :) According to the day care Riley is one of the smartest dogs, he just seems to know.. Boris isn't that smart but he follows his brother and is such a love bug. I think if I just had Boris I would think he was smart too..It's all relative.
Thanks Nicky! Spelling backwards? Wow Riley is a smartie! Boris sounds like the typical second child lol. (p.s. hope he is doing well today).
Luca truly understands a lot of words, phrases and sentences. I never mention that we are about to pick up my sons when he's in the car or he won't quit whimpering etc. until they arrive. Once he dragged me along a street because he saw a bus and figured that must mean one or another of his human brothers was about to arrive. He knows where to go when I tell him to look for Kathy my neighbor etc. He obeys "move over" in bed. I guess he's afraid of getting crushed : ) On occasion I'd like some advice when I ask his opinion though.
We could probably all use a little of Luca's advice. Doodles becoming exciting about seeing their out of the house human siblings seems to be a common trend.
: )
I'd say Racey knows close to 200 word/phrases plus or minus. A couple of out of the ordinary ones-back up, around (as in turn around-I use this one a lot when grooming), in my hand, i'm over it (that means I'm done playing with you), and towel. A lot of our "normal" commands have gestures that go along with them, that from taking the Rally obedience classes.
Yes Kort, Gavin certainly knows towel (getting lots of practice this time of year). I have to laugh at "I'm over it." Might have to steal that one after throwing the ball for the umpteenth time.
At sixteen months our girl definitely has an understanding of many phrases as well - I talk to my dogs. I talk with my hands a lot, so hand signals are also important.
I fired the trainer who informed me how important it was to keep commands to one word... So much for the idea of something different - I train on my own, phooey ... Now we have a four month old who is learning phrases at the speed of light, I think too many are focused on them being 'dumb dogs' to realize what potential is there. It's fun! It's also helpful - just yesterday I used a conversational phrase to calm and collect a dog who was wound up from vet visit - looks received were intrigued, but she complied beautifully. One correction is 'excuse me' in a query tone - she rallies to it... oops, better now..
Sally I say what ever works! Different dogs respond differently, that for sure. Sometimes I think Gavin has learned in spite of me instead of because of me.
I have to say I was pretty happy today, I let Max off leash in the ball diamond near the Y where I live, it's a big open area and there isn't anyone usually back there. Well today we were walking and Max was running through the few trees that are there, and he started running the other direction, I saw that a man was walking and got a little nervous about his recall,because Max had seen the man too and he loves people, but when I called Max come, he turned around right away, skidded to a halt at my feet and let me put his leash back on with no trouble. There were lots of treats dolled out for him responding to that word in that situation!
Most excellent! Good boy, Max, good boy. :)
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