Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Our new pup is 14 weeks old and has had 2 rounds of her vaccinations. The breeder said she was ok to go anywhere but dog parks and pet stores, however our vet said we need to wait until two weeks after her final vaccinations before she can go outside for walks. We live in a multi family building with no backyard. Vet said too high risk for unknown/non vaccinated dogs feces to give our puppy something. We live in Los Angeles. Keeping her cooped up is make her and us stir crazy!

We want to be really safe, but also want to get our puppy out! Anyone with doodles in Los Angeles faced a similar dilemma? She would be on short leash and I would monitor her closely. I guess I'm looking for someone who has taken the risk of this for the sake of the puppy's socialization and routine in Los Angeles and not had any problems...

I've read many different schools of thought on this, but like the way the fellow doodle owners her think.

Thanks! (And yeah she doesn't look stir crazy in this photo)

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We took Enzo everywhere with us, BUT, she was carried. I wasn't willing to take the chance with the Parvovirus Only dogs she socialized with were those whose owners I knew personally and knew the dogs were fully vaccinated.

I know that many people do puppy socialization classes where they know that all the puppies in the class have had the appropriate 1st couple of shots.  We also did a lot of socialization in stores like Home Depot or Lowes and places that allowed pets.  We just carried our girl in the store and we took her for walks around the block by just carrying her.  You can even just take him for a ride in the car.  That usually tires them out.  You can also take them to a friends home where you know it is safe.  Just get creative and you will be fine. 

It's only a couple of more weeks and it pays to be safe. You have gotten good suggestions. Even if someone took their pup out and nothing happened that would prove nothing except every dog doesn't get sick.

What about socialization?  Is she meeting a lot of other people and dogs?  I would worry about that too at 14 weeks.  Maybe a dog play center or Doggie Daycare where the other animals are all vaccinated.  She has had her puppy shots, so she should be okay to go there.  Yes, stay away from dog parks for now, but play centers with other responsible owners should be okay.  Get her out a little for your own sake and for hers.

Except Lynda, they may not except her, since she is not fully vaccinated.
Thank you all for the responses. Yes she has met many of the other dogs who live in the building as well as other friends and their dogs who we know have been fully vaccinated.

We live in an area with a lot of dogs as house pets. Should I continue to not take her outside to go potty due to possible contaminants from those dogs? It just feels like we are teaching her things that we will have to undo in a few weeks.
It certainly would be safer if you could let her potty in a fenced in yard, where no other neighborhood dogs frequent.

Not letting her potty outside seems like it would create a bad habit to break, but I don't have any suggestions sorry. :(

I carried Finn in stores that allowed pets, took him for car rides, and to a friend's house where I knew her dogs were vaccinated.  Believe me, Parvo is not something you want to have happen. Before the vaccine, I had an Australian Shepherd pup that contracted Parvo.  It's quick and it's deadly.  Somehow, my pup survived, but most don't and we truly thought we going to lose him.  



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