Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Now I lay me down to sleep,
The king-size bed is soft and deep.
I sleep right in the center groove
My human being can hardly move!
I've trapped her legs, she's tucked in tight
And here is where I pass the night
No one disturbs me or dares intrude
Till morning comes and "I want food!"
I sneak up slowly to begin
my nibbles on my human's chin.
She wakes up quickly,
I have sharp teeth-
I'm a puppy, don't you see?
For the morning's here
and it's time to play
I always seem to get my way.
So thank you Lord for giving me
This human person that I see.
The one who hugs and holds me tight
And shares her bed with me at night!
Author unknown

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Love it.  We can definitely relate as we upsized to a king size bed after adopting our second doodle.

Awwww.  Very cute!

So true! Love this!

Nothing like having a warm lump of 50lb doodle sleeping in bed with you, soo warm :D

Cute.  It also cracks me up because it sounds crazy.  I can't share a bed with my human child....never mind my doodles.  Undisturbed sleep is really really high on my priority list.  I wear earplugs, eyeshades if necessary, and sleep on a memory foam mattress so I can barely feel my husband move at night. 

Maybe, just maybe, when it's been YEARS and YEARS past the time I raised babies I will have gotten so much sleep that I'll have forgotten what it was like to be sleepless with a newborn that I will be tempted to put my little doodle up in bed with me.  I tried that once with Thule (before kids) and she did just that: take up the entire middle of the bed.  At about 4am I decided enough was enough and kicked her out of the room entirely. I love my sleep so much that I just can't fathom anyone purposely doing anything that could regularly disturb their comfy sleep in bed...haha. 

Is it sad that I get super excited when I sleep 3 hours in a row now?  :p

At least when I'm up in the middle of the night Luna is there to give me moral support while DH snores away!

We did get a king sized memory foam bed, partly because of Luna and partly because DH said I took up too much space in the bed while I was pregnant and had my giant U-shaped pillow...

Trixie is very good at sharing our bed.  She is the 1st dog we have allowed to sleep in it.  It is so funny though ...after the news we put her on the floor...Yes, Dh lifts her down.  We have done that since she was a puppy & its like a routine still.  She stands up & waits for dh to lift her down.  Its so cute.

I dont sleep much...So I am usually awake at 12 & 2 am.  When she 1st started sleeping in the bed She would get back up at midnight.   Now she does it at 2am...Almost like clock work.  She does not get in bed during the she is a HOT Doodle.

She also sleeps at the foot of the bed & hardly disrupts our 'sleep'.

Last night when I was awake at 1...She came over to my side of the bed so I could pet her : )

Then went around to dhs side to quietly make sure he wasnt awake.  Then jumped up a little early & settled by our feet.

This is how I feel--I NEED my sleep alone, which is why Stew won't be sharing my bed. I was sitting on my bed this morning putting on socks and he took a running start and leaped up onto my bed (which is lifted about 6 inches above the frame!) I was shocked that he was able to get up there. That was corrected ASAP.

Charlie came home at 8 weeks, and the second night here I scooped him out of his crate when I heard whimpering and put him right nest to my pillow.  He snuggled in next to my neck and lightly nibbled at my hair - I think he missed his Mom and siblings!  He slept for 7 hours and so did I!  He has slept on our bed since then, but now lays lengthwise like we do, but right next to my leg near the end of the bed.  .  He seldom moves and is just so laid back in general.  We also have a king bed with a McWay mattress and I get the best sleep I have ever had in my life.  I would do a commercial for that company!  1.5 years ago our second doodle Mr. Beau arrives.  He had giardia when arriving and I gated an area in our bathroom and put his crate in there with the door open.  He never cried to get out and just slept in the crate or would get out an sleep on the floor if he was too warm.  Now, he is generally the first one to get on the bed at night, but as soon as we say "lights" out, I hear him get down and go to the tile floor in the bathroom.  I hear him get up several times a night changing places from the floor to his bed which is right next to my side of the bed.  Beau has less hair than Charlie, but I think his body temp just run higher.  He is warmer to the touch and I believe he gets warm.  We leave our ceiling fan on just to circulate the air. Beau is the first one up in the morning and he gently jumps up on the end of the bed and comes up to give us wake up kisses!  Charlie growls at Beau each morning, as if you say - "do not kiss me dood"! 

Yogi lays perpendicular to me now, on his back, splayed out. Takes up more space than my 6'5" DH ;-).

But I still like him there



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