Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Even if you lose weight and keep it off for SEVEN years, your brain is STILL going to be trying to make you regain it.
Is there a text version of this speech somewhere that I could read. I find these TED (what the heck does it stand for anyway?) 12 minute videos of someone standing on a stage talking extremely boring. I don't have some gadget that allows me to listen while I do something else, lol.
Technology, Entertainment and Design
Not much to do in my little office where the computer is. I suppose i could clean out my file folders, lol.
Why do they have a special name for a video of someone giving a speech? Is it a certain organization that produces these videos? I notice Camilla mentions TED talks a lot, too. I've never heard of it except right here in this group.
I really think the day is coming where nobody will know how to read anymore.
That is a frightening thought Karen!
Thanks for posting this Adina. Very timely actually!
I'm checking this out Adina. Thanks for sharing. I just watched two documentaries today on nutrition and food. One is called "Food Matters" and the other one is "Hungry for Change". They were incredibly informative. the former reminded me of Karen and her issues with dog food and vets who have no nutrition training, except it is about people doctors and people food :-)
I love TED talks. I'm listening to it while I'm typing this response. :)
She's not the most engaging speaker in TED talk history now is she?
Here is the link to Food Matters website.
Unrelated to dieting, here is one of my favourite TED talks ever.
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