Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My dog LOVES people.  I realize this makes her different from exactly no other doodle.  But anyway, I am single and live alone in a new city where I don't know a lot of people.  She seems so energized when people come over or when I take her somewhere where there are lots of people, even if it's just one other person.  I am starting to feel really guilty about the fact that she doesn't get as much human interaction as she probably wants.  At least once a week she goes to doggy daycare where she gets to play both with other people and other dogs and once a week we go to my mom's house where she gets to play with grandma and possibly one of my nieces/nephews.  But that's it.  Otherwise it's just me.

Does anyone else out there live alone with their dog and feel this way? 

Should I adopt a child so she isn't so lonely?  (I"M KIDDING!!!....but she really does love kids)

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It sounds like you are giving your dog weekly opportunities to see other dogs and people. That should be fine given that her most important person is you : )

I agree!  

LOL...Enzo acts the exact same way...except she sees and meets people on a daily basis! We take her everywhere legally possible. For instance...yesterday we took her on a very long walk around one of our local harbors and lunch. She probably met and was petted by at least 50 people and she treated each of them as tho they were the very first person she had met that day.
I have Two Goldendoodles, but my Ellie is Very people oriented!!! I started taking her to our Dog friendly mall, by herself, so she gets lots of people attention (and doesn't have to share with Oliver). She LOVES it! We All know "DOODLES" Love Attention~
Wow! A dog friendly mall? I love it!

I would love it too. I do take the dogs outside of strip malls often.

With a Three Dog Bakery!! :)

When Luna sees a person walking a dog... she usually greets the person first then the dog :p  

I don't live alone, but I'm at home on maternity leave with baby and dog until August.  There are a few stay-at-home or work-at-home moms that live nearby that have dogs and we have a dog walk/play group that meets every morning after the kids leave for school :)  It's good social time for Luna and for me!

Darwin is the same way - It's just me and my husband but we often visit family so he gets some good interaction that way. 

Our doodles are the same way and we are a family of three adults. When someone comes over with kids they practically turn themselves inside out for the joy of it all! This Sunday we had friends over to watch football and we had to keep Owen on a leash because he was beside himself to be in the kids' faces. You are doing a good job exposing your pup to others. As much as they love people they also just love you. When everyone left the dogs slept like logs. I think they enjoy the stimulation but they get worn out by it too. ;o)

Don't worry about it - you're doing plenty of socialization.  Libby is the same way but in the end she just wants to be with her mother or me (her Godmother).  And it's funny- she loves other dogs but as time passes it's so evident that she's all about the people!  When I see pictures of her at doggie day care, she's generally following the girls around as opposed to actually playing with the other dogs (unless there are other doodles there that day - she plays with them much more than the other breeds, which I find to be very amusing!).

I really think they adjust to what their environment is.  You are socializing her, and there are lots of Doodles who do really well in households with just one or two adults. 



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