Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My mini GD is 5 months old. We are getting ready for her to be spayed. Wondering if anyone's girls came home the same day as surgery. One vet here sends them home same day -with pain meds- and two keep them overnight. My thought is I'd rather have her home to keep an eye on her. Any reason why I should not bring her home? Any advice for keeping her comfortable post surgery?

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If there is no one there with her-find another place and vet.  I would not personally leave my dog even with someone there.  I did practice as a nurse and nothing phases me, though.  Good luck! 

Cally gets spayed on the thirteenth and this is reminding me to call and see if she will be staying the night and if so I will be insisting on bringing her home!

Libby came home the same day.  She was a little tired but otherwise acted totally normal and as if nothing happened.  She didn't need a cone or a t-shirt and it was hard to keep her quiet.  I too would be concerned about overnight supervision at the vet's.  Now that I've heard the horror stories of animals being left unattended, I would choose another vet if they insisted on an overnight stay without a medical reason.  Good luck!

When my first Labradoodle was spayed, years ago, the Vet brought her out to me in the waiting room, still incubated, and told me he wanted me to be the first thing she saw when she woke up. I held her in my arms while she woke up. I loved that Vet. I wouldn't like leaving my dog overnight in a cage after surgery.

I just called my vet to ask about Cally's surgery and if she would have to stay there overnight and she said yes we normally do just to keep them confined and so when we open back up in the morning we can check on her. I asked if anyone is there at night and they said no we usually close and leave at 7:30 and my first comment well Cally cannot be expected to hold a pee that long and I would prefer to have her home and I will keep her crated and bring her back in the morning if they feel they need to see her. They could not really argue with that so the Tech (who I talked to) is going to talk to the vet and get back to me! They cannot really keep her there if I do not want her there...right?


Thank you Karen, I will stay firm!

If they do not agree, find another vet.  That is unacceptable.  I wonder how many people don't ask that question and wind up with a totally preventable medical emergency.....

My thoughts were also that Cally is a complete mess when she gets home from the groomer which she is only there for four hours! I cannot imagine her being left at the vet by herself with probably barking dogs, she would be a mess!

My regular vet does the procedure but he keeps them overnight as a rule.  BUT when I asked him who will be there is she wakes up or throws up or whatever and he said he does not have anyone overnight.  He understood my problem leaving her overnight alone so he recommended to me other vets that have 24/7.  I went to where he suggested and picked her up next day.  Cone of shame on head and all.  But she was fine...really....a few days of quiet -or as much as you can get her to be quiet - and there was no problem.  I think its harder on us than the dog :)

Bleu was spayed last Thursday. She had her surgery about 9 a.m. and I picked her up at 4 p.m. They sent us home with some pain medication to last four days. She seemed happy to be home. She slept on an airbed on the floor with me the first night. She usually sleeps in a crate but I wanted to make sure she wasn't licking. No cone of shame for her. She has been awesome about leaving her spot alone. Within 24 hours, she was eating and drinking again normally. So it went really well! Thanks for all of your advice and words of encouragement. I would agree that surgery is probably harder on the humans than the dog. :)

I'm so glad she is doing so well, thank you for the update! 



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