Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My 17 week old Lucy has had a uti since we got her. It seems that after about 2 days with no antibiotics it is back. The last sample they were able to get also showed crystals. Thursday night we noticed a smell in her urine again. Now our next step is an ultrasound and a urine culture. I have emailed the breeder and have not got a reply. We are at a complete loss here. Insurance is not covering anything as it was deemed as a pre existing condition. Has any body else ever experienced something like this.

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Oh dear, Lucy is such a cutie.  I hope you can cure this soon.  

Lucy is adorable….   I went through a really, really long period with my dog Jack where he had crystals in his urine. It made me insane. Months and months of antibiotics.  Months of tears and frustration.  I am NOT saying this is the case with you.. but it is good they are doing an Ultrasound extraction of the urine because when that was done on Jack when I finally had enough and took him to an Internal Medicine Vet, it was deemed he in fact did NOT have infections all this time and just because a dog has crystals doesn't mean infection.

For us, we changed the food he was eating.. NOT to anything the Vet recommended and his crystals disappeared. Recently my mom's dog had the same thing, female, loaded with crystals not responding to antibiotics, Vet recommended their dog food, we didn't do it, we switched to a different one from Wellness to Fromm .. and she hasn't had any more problems…...

I guess that isn't overly helpful but at least if they do a culture which is what they will do if they extract the urine, you will see if you are dealing with an actual bacteria or just gunk in the urine….. 

I don't know about the insurance, what plan do you have? How long have you had the insurance VS how long has she had the infection. I would NOT cancel insurance because it will still cover other things down the road.

I am sorry to hear this. Was Lucy spayed by your breeder before she came to you? 

There have been quite a few posts about dogs with recurrent UTIs and crystals, many of them in the Health Group. You may want to do a search to see what others have experienced. It's also important to find out what type of crystals they are; there are three different types, and treatment for each is different. 

Did Lucy have a UTI before you had the insurance? If not, I don't understand how they could deem this a pre-existing condition. 

I would also continue to try to get a response from the breeder. If she had this issue when she came to you, your health warranty should cover some of the costs of diagnosis and treatment. 

One thing my breeder mentioned, was that because females tend to be pretty hairy, it helps to shave that area to prevent buildup & blockage. If Lucy is good about laying on her tummy calmly & letting you give belly rubs you might be able to do this by yourself - otherwise it might be good to get help & be sure not to use sharply pointed scissors that might poke her. I actually use a mustache & beard trimmer.
Lucy had a uti and her very first check up that is why it is considered pre exsisting. We have changed her food as per the vet to royal cabin puppy development wet. Which we are adding about a cup of water to. Also we are giving a n cranberry extract pill daily. On Tuesday the vet is dong am ultrasound to check for deformities and a urine culture. Hopefully we get some answers. Once I know what is going on I am going after the breeder with full force. Her puppies shouldn't have these issues.

I'm sorry you are going through this with Lucy. I do hope the breeder contacts you quickly. They should cover these treatments with their health guarantee.

I agree with Jennifer about changing her food. I see you changed to the vet recommended food. That food only gets a 2 1/2 star rating on dog food advisor. I would encourage switching to a healthier option. The food group has great options as a good starting point.

Does she have an inverted vulva, that too can lead to frequent UTI's)  If your dog has an inverted vulva it is recommended that you NOT spay the dog until after their first or second heat cycle.  The enlarging of the vulva during heat will often fix the vulva, (sometimes it takes 2 cycles), and then along with that fix the UTI problem may often be fixed. 


My Goldendoodle had a UTI at almost 4 months. Vet said to increase water--given freely until 7:00 pm. After round of antibiotics hope that she is fine. Evidently, females have a smaller urethra which is partly a cause. After the bill hope I don't have a repetition. Best to you


so sorry to hear this as it must be very uncomfortable for her. I agree that the breeder needs to be involved as she came to you this way and you have already incurred expenses that should be covered under her health warranty. Good luck and keep us posted?

I am so sorry.  Please keep us posted on the results of the Ultrasound.

So very sorry for Lucy & your family. The breeder should respond & help. Please keep us all posted and know many positive thoughts and prayers are being sent your way.

No news yet..she got all the tests done today.  Her doctor is not in today.  I will get results tomorrow.  Fingers crossed!!



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