Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
It's always something. If it's not one thing it really is another this winter. And I am not getting younger. Quite the contrary.Today is a spring like day so I put on the boots that reach almost to my knees and trekked through the front yard, dug out the gate and barely managed to slip into my small side yard. The fence there had been down for a while brought low by a burden of snow. No doubt in part because I let honeysuckle grow there. I love the smell. But no more Ms. Niceguy after this winter. In the spring this patch of honeysuckle is doomed.
But I digress. I trudged through snow to the top of my boots, waiting patiently after each step to see how far my foot would sink. I managed to do my version of a repair. Which means bungee cords to the rescue. I hope it will hold till I can get it really fixed so the dogs stay in and the deer out. Remarkably the deer haven't been around outside the yard much and neighbors tell me, on the rare occasions they venture forth, that the deer have been congregating on driveways. Even they don't want to sink into the snow morass.
The Bungee Repair
The trail of the Trek
Admittedly it was probably less than a city block to get to this spot but it seemed impossibly long. This is so pretty, my yard looks nothing like this just now, okay, ever.
I even went so far as to dig out the exit for the sump pump pipe since all this melting snow has to go someplace and no doubt my basement is tempting.
And I came home to rest for a moment and have some lunch. Luca chose not to come in but I figured I'd let him have some fun outside now that he couldn't escape. That was a bad decision. For eventually he returned to the porch bearing the first gift of spring. I know it is still winter. But apparently he doesn't. So soon I have to go and find a resting place for another generation of rabbits. They manage to get in no matter what. I fear I can't trek trough the snow again so Mr. Rabbit will have to settle for the trash : (
The dogs don't help in terms of chores but do they really have to make more. Notice I haven't mentioned a month's worth of poop awaits me one day soon.
I keep trying to look on the bright side. I now have several, before I had none, exits I can safely navigate out of my house. And it is a beautiful day. Enjoy all.
Yay for the warm weather, but it's not THAT warm! It's the Winter Olympics folks :) Great pics BTW!
I can't believe my sweet Luca got another one :) What a stinker. We can actually see ground around here and almost had a normal walk. Our forecast next week is more snow. Enjoy getting out while you can. By the way, I loved Roseanne Rosanadana.
Believe. I can't believe lots of you are seeing ground.
It just happened today! We could not see the ground yesterday. Just today. Most of my photos today do have snow but there are parts where the ground MUD is exposed
Wow, almost got through a whole season without any dead wildlife photos courtesy of C & L. I hope everything melts soon for you (and me too).
I hope so too.
Luca, the great hunter! It must mean that spring is coming for you at last.
I would have freaked out and wouldn't know what to do with Mr. Rabit!! You are brave, F!!
Had to laugh at the bungee cord repairs. A friend and I say that a good woman can't have too many bungee cords. :) Not so much for the snow! I'd really, really hate having to deal with that much snow for so long.
Luca the mighty hunter! So far Trav hasn't managed to catch any little critters, but he sure tries! He's been learning, too. He used to bark as he ran across the patio into the yard after a squirrel, now he runs silently. I might have a photo for you some day. :)
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