Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

So Archie hasn't eaten anything in 24 hours and has loose stool and a little constipation.  He has been drinking a little which is good, but not as much as usual.  He has been sleeping at every chance and when we go outside to the bathroom, we walk like each block (We live in the city) and he just sits there and stairs aimlessly.  He is very lethargic and just walking slow with head down.  He tends to get upset belly here and there and I think he just had a tummy ache, but I always get a little nervous with the little guy when he's not acting his crazy wild fun silly self. 

But I am most confused by his walking a block or so and then just stopping, sitting down and starring at me.  When I say lets go and start to walk he pulls back and won't move a budge.

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I agree with everyone, please get him to the vet ASAP!! I hope that it isn't anything serious and he is feeling better soon. My thoughts are with you both!

I hope Archie is feeling better soon!

Thank you!

Update to everyone.  I just called the VET at his home.  He always supplies us with her cell#  He told me to get Archie Petobismal or pepcid pills and so I did that.  He also said to most likely wait until tomorrow morning and if he is still not looking or acting right to bring him in first thing in the morning.  So I will do that rather then going to the ER tonight.  He just had his pepcid pill covered in his favorite cream cheese LOL.  He just chased after the ball I was just kicking around the room, so he is hanging in there. Now back to sleep, but I am going to wait until the AM so he can see his VET.  Rather then the ER to a hospital and doc that I am unfamiliar with.  I got my VETs ok on this and the fact that I spoke directly to him makes me happy and confident in playing the "Wait and see" game with Archie for the night. 

Good luck tomorrow. How geat that you were able to talk to your vet.

Yes, our Vet is great. he gives all his patients his cell phone and we are able to contact him for an sort of consultation or emergency up until midnight of each night.  He is the best and he is highly regarded here in Baltimore.  

Archie just drank a lot of water and he chased the ball for a few seconds that I was kicking around.  But he is now back to laying around resting.  I will see how he is feeling tomorrow and decide on whether to bring him to se the Vet or not.  Hopefully he gets better though.. 

I'm not an expert; however listening to the advice I received from Karen, and so many others on this site to be cautious and proactive was the best thing I could have done for Riley. I bet your Vet will let you pay pay the bill slowly over a few weeks. He sounds terrific, so I'd be surprised if he refuses. So much better to err on the side of caution!!!!

Yes, well Archie drank a lot of water, peed, and is now sleeping nicely in his bed upstairs, so I am waiting it out until tomorrow morning.  If he seems much of the same tomorrow then I will take him straight to the vet. 

When Dory is tired (or if it's hot in the summer) that's exactly what she does when we try to go for a walk.  It's just her way of saying "eh, I'm not so into this."  The first time she did it I rushed her to the vet and the vet said, "uh, she's just tired."  And she was.  She also used to be a picky eater until I switched her to Fromm's and now she eats everything up as soon as I set it out.

I hope Archie is feeling better this morning but if not, sounds like you have a great vet to check him out.

Yeah, he has a vet appt today at 10am, so we shall see how he is doing...still lethargic this morning, but I collected his stool sample LOL, so that will be good for the vet.  Thanks for your concern.

Also, what formula of Fromm are you feeing Dory?  I bought a small bag of Acana Wild Prairie this weekend and was gonna start weening him onto that, but now hearing Fromm is great too...may wanna do a taste test with both of them.

She eats the Fromm's Four Star Nutritionals Chicken A La Veg.  She loves it.



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