Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We truly do a disservice to this doodle breed when we say we have the perfect dogs and this is the perfect breed. I know this topic is discussed a lot but we truly need to think before we tell an inexperienced dog owner about our dogs. We need to start off with all their bad qualities, how much research we did, how training is for life and so on. Instead a lot of people say we have the perfect dog. That may be true, you may have a dog that suits your family well but do not use the word perfect! This is why so many dogs are dumped and what has kept all those involves with DRC so busy!

Just think about this the next time someone asks about that puppy that suits your family so well!

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Her comment really annoyed me. 

Yes the comment was annoying because it is completely inaccurate....ALDs DO end up in shelters and it's happening more and more every day. DRC has had numerous ALDs in our program that were pulled from shelters. In nearly every case, the dog was dumped  because of behavioral issues with small children.  In fact, the dog discussed in the article was in fact a miniature Australian Labradoodle from a "reputable breeder." Farley, a recent DRC doodle in CA is a petite Australian Labradoodle. He was dumped at a SoCal kill shelter because he was timid and shy and his breeder wouldn't take him back...... ALDs DO end up in shelters and in rescue. 

We have the paperwork and stats to prove it.

And DRC recently rehomed an 18 mo old Parti ALD who came with ALAA registration papers and was about 12 hours away from being dumped in the shelter when some friends talked the owner into relinquishing him to DRC. 

(In case anyone was wondering, the breeders are always contacted when known, and always happy to have DRC help place the dogs). 

And she suggests that if you think you see an ALD in the shelter, it probably isn't a real ALD.  That's just misguided and misleading, all at the same time.

There IS one perfect dog in the following picture.

She came to us fully house-broken, LOVES to snuggle, never chewed a belonging, doesn't counter surf, virtually doesn't shed,doesn't need any expensive trips to the groomer, eats anything without stomach upset, only eats a cup a day total, sleeps all night every night and doesn't peep until we tell her to go outside.

Hint: She is not the doodle!!! She is the rescued terrier-mix.  But I love my doodle too. 

Funny...and they are both adorable!

Both of your dogs are adorable!!

Perfection! And seriously cute to boot...oh and that doodle too! ha

I do seriously tell everyone that if you want an easy dog, get an adult from a shelter that is house-broken and you can know/test the temperament, size and grooming needs ahead of time.  There is never a guarantee with any puppy.

Lisa we also call our Daisy "Daisy Doodle" Haha! 

I was one of those ill-informed first time dog owners who had no idea how much time it would take to groom Cocoa before I got her. I was so focused on the "low, no shedding" I didn't find out the flip side. Cocoa doesn't shed... But her fur takes hours each week to maintain. It is never ending.

When I got her my twin boys were 4 years old. There was no way I could maintain her fur so I had to pay a groomer $80 a month to keep it. I also couldn't keep the wonderful shaggy look I fell in love with because even with the groomer she matted too much if she wasn't combed out constantly. My (then) 10 year old promised he was going to walk her and help with the grooming and training- ha! I pretty much do it all.

Also, nothing to do with her being a doodle, she has run up thousands of dollars in vet bills. Luckily, after the first thousand I bought pet insurance and now it's "only" hundreds per year. I had no idea how. Much vet prices were!

I had no idea how poor the quality of cheap dog food was, and now spend $70 per month on dog food.

Before I got her, I figured it would be like the collie I grew up with- cheap dog food, $50 a year for a vet checkup and vaccinations, and a bath in the tub a few times a year. I'm SO glad we have Cocoa and would NEVER give her up, but I was terribly informed before I bought Cocoa.

People love Cocoa and her amazing, soft, shaggy fur. She's now (usually) very calm and mellow- almost the perfect pooch. They say they want a dog just like her. I always try to talk them out of it... I think most people with young children simply don't have time for an active, intelligent, grooming intensive puppy! I sure didn't!!!

When people ask me about Halas, I'm much more careful about describing him than I used to be.  "They don't shed, right?"  "Some DO shed.  Halas happens to be a non-shedder, but he mats like crazy, so there's a trade-off."  "They are hypoallergenic, right?"  "Not all of them.  And even if you get one that you aren't allergic to, an unbelievable amount of stuff sticks to them, so they're constantly bringing in allergens from outside.  Halas got a bird stuck to himself once."  "They're super smart, right?"  "Again, not all of them.  And they all need a ton of training.  Even a really smart one needs training to properly direct that intelligence."



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