Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

As most of you know, we are getting our second doodle in about 5 weeks and the nervousness is starting to set in!!!

I have been "working" on DH for a year now to say yes to #2 and now that the time has come I am really starting to get nervous.  I have never owned 2 dogs before so I am really starting to think about the following...

What if he doesn't like to go for car rides? Bailey loves to go!

What if he doesn't like to go to the beach? Bailey does!

What if he doesn't do well in crowds ie. festivals, craft shows etc. Bailey does!

What if he is doesn't like other dogs? Bailey does!

Is it possible to love another doodle as much as I love Bailey?  I am the mother of an only child so I have never had to "spread the love" LOL

I have a wonderful trainer that I have been taking Bailey to since she was about 6 months old, so the training part is not a problem. 

These are just some of the things I think about while trying to sleep at night LOL....

I have a wonderful trainer that I have been taking Bailey to since she was about 6 months old, so the training part is not a problem. 

From all you "two doodle families", Is this normal or am I just nuts? LOL


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Here's a blog post of mine just as we decided on getting a 2nd doodle (and beyond, as I updated the post after Oscar's arrival home). Notice its entitled, 'Adding a 2nd Doodle... Are we crazy or what???'

Read more here:

LOL! I worried about whether I could love a second dog as much as I loved Webber!! You absolutely can. They are different and you love them for different things. Two are wonderful, although a bit more to care for and travel with. Mine love one another and it is so much fun to watch them together. A King sized bed would help!! You will have fun; don't worry too much.

Elizabeth, I am jealous!  I am still working on my DH to give the "go" on finding a pal for my Bailey!  I am reading all the responses here so I will be ready when it is my turn to add a second.  I am so happy for you and can't wait to see pictures of your little guy!

I want to get Max a friend, not yet but I am trying to figure out how to convince my DH to let me lol...

I learned a long time ago : it is easier to ask for forgiveness, than permission ;)

That's hilarious!!!!!!

Love it!!!!  I'll have to remember that next time HEHE

Never have had two dogs, but as my friend says about having three children - love is multiplied not divided.

Love this! Very smart friend!

Love this response! 

If all goes as planned, I'll be adding a sister doodle for Eloise this spring.  I'm already thinking the exact same things you are, Elizabeth!  Reading everyone's responses is making me feel better, too.  Ellie is such a good girl, and I couldn't love her more - she just turned 2 and has finally chilled out (for the most part).  So I keep asking myself am I crazy to not enjoy these calm waters just a while longer?  But there's nothing sweeter than seeing 2 doodles playing together, and I really think Eloise will benefit from having a buddy to play with.  That's what I keep telling myself, anyway!  When I leave for work in the morning, her sad little mopey eyes break my heart, so I'd love for her to have company for days I'm working in the office.  And with a second doodle, there will be TWO happy wiggly doodle butts excited to see me when I come home!

Congratulations on the new puppy, and I look forward to reading about your adventures with a second!  Can't wait to see pics of the new baby.  Good luck!

Perfectly normal! I thought we would always just be a 2 dog household, now we have 3. I won't ever expand from 3 but I love our pack and the 3rd just blended in beautifully! Thankfully, we had the foundations mastered with the first two. I'm sure your new puppy will follow Bailey and learn to love her favorite things too. You will be able to love your new pup, I promise! 



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