Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Once again I missed out on another MILLION dollar idea!!!! No more hiccups after Lola eats!! What used to take seconds takes her 10 minutes to eat! We are so pleased with the bowl.

Lola is officially potty trained!!! Its been at least 2 1/2 to 3 weeks since we have had a potty in the house! Shes ringing her bell to go go out and get our attention...and well sometimes she rings it just because she likes to ring it!! I didn't think she would ever get the whole bell ringing buuuut she sure has the idea down pat NOW!!!

Im in absolute puppy love! Lola is 5 months old now, my baby is growing tooooo fast!

 She is sitting..laying down...staying and now learning to give High 5's and crawling!!! She is also getting excited when I tell her that her Dad is home from work!

Lola is still favoring the Golden side and so smart!! Im very happy with her personality too! And don't get me started when she cocks her head!!! Im like BUTTER!

We are going on a mini vacation next weekend, and Grady Boy and Lola will be staying home, I cant wait to see how she does while we are gone...I wonder if she will miss us??!! Grady Boy will be mad because we ALWAYS take him on our lil road trips, but this trip we cant take them. We have been having many different people take her out to go potty when they come for a visit so Im not worried about her not going out with her Auntie. I will miss her cuddles and curious if she will be crazy when we get home!!!!

Im cleaning her ears twice a week and she lays sooo nicely for her Spa day, right on my lap!!!!! So far her ears don't seem to be giving her too much trouble. I can however tell when they need cleaned! She starts scratching at them and then I warm the cleaning solution and give them a good cleaning and her a good brushing! After that she takes a exhausting being a Pretty Girl!!!

Thanks for listening, Shelly and Lola

(ADMIN NOTE: You can buy your Slo-Bowl here: if you enter in the coupon code doodle10 you will get 10% off. We aren't making any commission on your purchase, but I want to be sure everyone knows about the discount plus I want Kyjen to feel good about giving us those bowls to give away!)

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Great to hear the slo bowl has helped.  Have a wonderful vacation.  Upon your return, Grady Boy and Lola will be turning cartwheels! LOL

Thank you! And I know Grady Boy will and am hoping Lola misses her Momma too!!!

So happy the slo-bowl is working...we feed Ellie a raw diet, so not sure if that would work for us or if it is only good for kibble.  What a cutie-pie she is.  Hope you have a wonderful mini-vacation...and I'm sure that she will be super excited to see you upon your return.  Glad to hear her training is going so well for you.  Yeah...Lola...what a good girl you are:)

I am so happy it worked! After reading up on fast eaters, I became a little worried about her eating habits!!! No more worries now!!! Her training has gone amazingly!!! Lola is a great addition to our family!!! ♥

I hope you don't mind, but I added a blurb, link to slo-bowl's site and the coupon code for a discount at the bottom of your post.  Kyjen was so awesome to give us 6 bowls (plus one for Boca!) that I want them to know if people buy their bowl due to DK reviews :-)

When I ordered my Slo-Bowl, I told them where I had herd of their product!! And can we talk about the whole "cute factor" of the bowl!!! I ordered the purple flower bowl of course because my Lola is a girl!!! I think Grady Boy is a little jealous because Lola has so much fun eating now!!! So no problem for the blurb!!!

Great to hear the Slo Bowl is a great success at your home!

Sheila, It sounds to me like you should be heading for the Hopeless Doodle Addict medal! Join the club. We are all in love with these sweet things. That slo bowl sounds amazing!

I am hopelessly positively head over heels in love with my Lola Doodle! 

I am glad things are going well.

Thank you so much! I must say Im very pleased and shocked at how easy she has been to train! No DUNCE CAP for Lola!!!

I am thinking about getting the slo bowl.. I have a question though, my dog does eat pretty fast, but always burps after he eats, a loud fat mans burp lol.. usually right next to my plate on the dinner table haha.. but does that mean he is eating too fast or he is just having to burp.. isn't it good to burp though? that way the air doesn't stay in his belly?



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