Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


I cannot believe it has been six years since Ned and Clancy were born. These lucky St. Patrick's Day brothers are not blood-related but share the same birthday. Ned was a cute little bundle when we picked him up at 3 1/2 months:

And after his first haircut:

And on his first and second birthdays:

And then. . . .  and then. . . . .   and then. . . .  along came Clancy, who also got HIS first haircut (at least in a looonnnngggg time) and we found out that, like Ned, he just had HIS second birthday on St. Paddy's Day:

And from then on, these boys have celebrated each birthday by participating in the same rescue center's fund raiser where Ned and Clancy met in 2010.  So birthdays three, four, five and six:

Although they might rather have been doing this:

Or this:

Happy SIXTH Birthday, Boys!


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Happy Birthday boys!! What an adorable pair you have!

Nancy, your boys are just the cutest! Great photos showing their progress! Hope they had a very special day!

Thanks, Janie.

Happy Birthday, boys! Hope to see you this summer.

Ned and Clancy would LOVE to see you all this summer.  They say, "Boys Rule and Girls Drool!"

Nancy...I told Jarka that maybe the So Ca. Group could schedule a Romp while she is visiting this Summer.

Your boys are so handsome and I loove the pictures!

Oh, Darwin sings so loverly!  My guys loved it!

Happy Birthday guys! I love all of the pictures!

Thanks so much, Jill.

Happy B-Day Boys!!! What a fun celebration to look forward to every year :) they are just to much

Thanks.  I think it is a memorable way to support the rescue and to commemorate the boys birthday.



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