Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

my 10 week old puppy has been making gagging/coughing noises a couple days after Vet visit?

on Monday I took our now 10 week old puppy Luke to the Vet, they said he was perfectly healthy gave him one of his shots and did a fecal test that came back clear of anything. then on wednsday night he started to make this gagging/coughing noise throughout the night, it didnt continue in the morning or during the day ir even last night but then this morning he started to make a wheezing sound kind of like coughing, other then the noises he is acting totally normal playful eating and drinking pretty regulary so idk what it is. I gave him some low dose Benadryl this morning and will check how he is when i go check on him on my lunch break in a couple hours. does anyone have any suggestions? I just want to see if it is something normal before taking him to the vet, also I need to know if it is ok if i keep our first training scheduled for sunday?

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Kennel cough would not be detected in a fecal. 

Chemical blood profile, an urinalysis and bacterial cultures would show kennel cough. Doubtful any of that was performed in just a normal check-up.

And what Karen said....It would not be fair for other pups to be around your puppy, no matter what kind of upper respiratory issues he has.

I doubt the vet would bother with all this. And I doubt anything in a chemical profile would be helpful : )

F:  it is what a Vet in Houston performed when one of my females came down with a slight case.

Seems like overkill to me but then I am not a vet : ) But really why a urinalysis? I am thinking most vets would do a physical, note symptoms and treat. I wonder what others have experienced. My two have not had kennel cough.

Our newest puppy developed a respiratory infection or kennel cough - who cares what technically it is - overnight after he had been to the vet the day before with a clean bill of health.  Antibiotics were prescribed and he recovered quickly.  We also put Yogurt on his food to help build the good bacteria back into his gut.  We made sure that the antibiotic and the yogurt were at least two hours apart.

Two things - a sick dog should NOT be taken out to expose other dogs.  And a not completely immunized puppy should not be exposed to other dogs or places dogs pee or poo, in order to keep them safe.

Sounds like kennel cough to me, I would take him back to the vet.

Riley had a mild dose of kennel cough without a definitive diagnosis.  IMO it really isn't necessary to do lots of expensive tests unless this doesn't clear up with antibiotics. I also would like to stress how important it is to keep this puppy away from other dogs and especially not to let him outside in contact with the ground and other dogs until he is completely over all the shots. At ten weeks this is unlikely to be the case in the US. Here in Ireland the shots protocol is a little different and puppies are usually over the shots by 12 weeks. 

So it turns out why he made the gagging noise that one night was he had gotten into something outside that got slightly stuck in his throat and the other noise was just a reverse sneeze. so he is totally ok. I was just a over protective new mommy:)


Great news and adorable pictures!



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