Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I was returning to my school from downtown court hearing for one of the students this afternoon. At this busy intersection, a young girl and the border collie was standing in this tiny triangle island. The girl had a sign which read " Stranded. Hungry and need help." As the girl walked up and down and between the cars to collect the change held out of car windows, the dog patiently and obediently sat on that tiny island. When the light changed and I moved forward, I can see that the dog did not have a leash on. I knew I had no cash. All I had was a ziplock bag full of dog food, extra collar and a leash. ( Yes I have them in my car at all time. Don't laugh!! )
I turned in the next street, turned around so that I can approach the girl. I parked the car, walked over to the intersection and offered her a leash, only to find out that the collar the dog had on was all frayed and broke, did not have a ring to click the leash onto. I walked back to the car to get the collar and the food, which she accepted with appreciation. As I drove pass, she waved at me. I always wonder that if these kids are for real, or are they doing some college class assignment for some diversity experiment or not. But I was glad that the dog now has some food, reliable collar and the leash....just in case she was for real.

I passed the same intersection going home just now. I saw the collar I gave her was laying on the triangle island, along with the broken collar that dog had on.

I again wonder if she was for real..? or was she writing a paper for her school....

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I guess you will never know about the collar unless you see her again and ask.  But you did the right thing. 

Recently I saw a family - mom, dad, and two small children (under the age of 5) soliciting near a Pier One/Old Navy/Home Depot busy strip mall.  If I see them again, I'm tempted to call the police.  I felt sorry for the kids but seriously, what parent does this?? 

I know that homelessness exist... But its rough for the kids to have to panhandle with their parents.....

You really are a kind and compassionate person and definitely did a wonderful thing. It is unfortunate that she apparently did not appreciate what you went out of your way to do for her. I do know that in Los Angeles, there were  many  "professional" panhandlers who used children to gain sympathy and elicit more donations....

That was very kind of you.  I have a leash but never remember to put dog food in my car to share with others.  I suspect many of these "beggers" are not truly destitute, but I would hate to 'guess' incorrectly and not help if I could.  Seeing both collars when you returned makes me think your girl might not truly be needy, but,  even if so,  your thoughtfulness was still a very commendable thing.

I feel silly, but I keep " Dog emergency bag" in my car!!! LOL.... Because we hike a lot, you never know what we would need in case of emergency...!!

I always feel it's never about the outcome, it's all about the act itself.  I think it's not even just about what we're doing to help the other person, but what giving triggers in our own spirit and life.  You are a good person, Kyoko.

Thanks Jane. It snowed last night and this morning. I wondered about that girl...

It is just so hard to predetermine someone else's motives, but we can be sure of our own. You are a companionate person.

Very true. Thank you

You are a very good person, Kyoko - you did the best thing that you could do at the moment.  And I think it's a great idea to have a doggie emergency kit in the car!

Yeah! You never know!! Your own dog's leash, collar can break by freak accident, or we may get stranded for flat tire, etc...!! I learn to keep this from my therapy dog instructor!!

You are a good person for doing this Kyoko



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