Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
So, we know there both two young yet, but they don't act it (humpin little buggers, espcially Louie!)
Because of there gorgeous coats, unique colours and amazing personalities we was thinking of studding Louie & Dougal later on.
Does anyone know what age they have to be to be able to stud them?
Also, the main reason is because we really want another puppy, but my mum said she will only get one if Louie & Dougal stud, and the puppy is extra cute (which it will be) and it'll be a fun, different experience as we've never studded a dog or anything before.
Thanks for your help :)
Yes, i know it's a form of dominance too and because we have to male puppy boys, they are going to do it to see who's the most dominate, i know that :) But i was just seeing maybe if that was a sign or anything.
And i know what you mean about the bullying, and they can stay and continue all they like, they won't be little or bully me into anything :) ha ha! But thanks so much for noticing!! x
Rose, Your answer amazes me. Why do you stay on this site if everyone on it seems to bother you? I, for one, don't put much stock in your opinion since you came out in full support of puppies being sold at Pet Stores. Maybe you could start your own forum where breeding dogs unethically and selling puppies in pet stores is all the rage, but you are never going to find that accepted here on DoodleKisses. When a question gets asked, most people want an honest answer and hopefully learn from the responses. Sadly, others chose to continue to do what is best for them and not for the animal in question.
Laurie, Your comment is right on the mark. Hooray for you, as usual :o)
It seems like what you are calling bullying and belittling is actually just people talking about health testing, and you have not said once that your dogs parents were health tested after two years old, and that you would wait till your dogs were two years old and health tested, and that you would only breed them after they were health tested and only after you found a female with health testing that was two years old, and that you have rights to breed by the breeder.
If you were to answer all those questions it would clear up quite a lot.
The only reason people are talking about it is many of these ladies who have 30 years on you as you put it, also do a lot of rescue work and have seen the results of untested dogs and their illnesses and hereditary problems over and over again, and hate to see this cycle continue.
Sorry, but i I have said that before doing any breeding I would do all the tests for my dogs, and i have said i know they are too young yet and would wait till they are older to do it, and i have also mentioned that i would be completly ethical in my breeding if i was to do it. IVE NOT SAID IM AM DEFFINATLY GOING TO DO IT!!! i was just asking a simple question about it, and everyone seems to think i am planning to run a puppy farm or something disgusting like that. And peoples answer's aren't nice and helpful. They are all just belittling me and basically saying i can't do it ECT.
I know they might have 30 years knowledge and experience on me, but use that and be helpful for me, don't use it to belittle me and be a know it all, and not friendly.
I'm going to leave this know because i don't think anyone understands I AM NOT BREEDING MY DOGS i was just asking a question about studding them WHEN THEY ARE OLD ENOUGH, AND HAVE ALL THE TESTING ECT.
Sarah you are the one doing the name calling here...not anyone else.
Name calling, how old are you?
I'm not naming calling. I'm simply stating my opinion, as are you. And my opinion is you are quite nasty, your belittling and your very rude. That's my opinion :) i'm not "calling you names" (feel like i am back at school writing that)
If you don't like it, then i'm sorry, but it's the impression you have given off to me.
Also, i feel like i am just standing up for myself against about 5 of you all trying to belittle me :)
There are valid reasons for people reacting so strongly to a post such as the one you made.
People get upset when anyone around here mentions possibly breeding irresponsibly. It has nothing to do with you and everything to do with the potential for unhealthy puppies who may end up with health and behaviour problems which could land them in a shelter or worse. We have seen WAY too many stories of doodles who were bred irresponsibly and their stories are generally not good.
My answer to your initial question is no, you should not stud your dogs. Breeders who have full, responsible breeding programs generally seem to have their own stud dogs in-house so they wouldn't need to "rent" the services of an external stud dog. If they did, I imagine they might do an exchange with another breeder running a similarly responsible program.
Even Luna's breeder, who was not stellar (I like to call her semi-responsible) had her own stud dogs in-house.
Yes, and i understand this 100% about the problems and all the doodles that are unhealthy because of bad breeding ect. But i wouldn't be unethical when using my dogs as studs. I just need to make this clear. I WOULD DO ALL THE TESTING AND CHECKS POSSIBLE.
Thanks for your honest, helpful answer though. We are not certain what we are going to do, and this was just a simple question about the age they should be ECT.
But thank you :)
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