Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

lotus has the stomach bug...who knew dogs could get the stomach bug? anyway shes been sick since Thursday with vomiting and diarrhea that she contracted at daycare. she was hospitalized overnight and given iv fluids and flagyl.  I brought her home last night and she hasn't eaten or drank anything  she just isn't interested.  I tried the hamburger and rice that the vet recommended but that didn't go over well. I even tried giving her normal dry food. she isn't vomiting anymore but still has bloody diarrhea. any suggestions on what and how to feed her   thanks sally

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I would also try some greek yogurt, plain vanilla.
Actually, plain non fat yogurt would be better. I use dannon all natural plain non fat yogurt.

yes I agree.…vanilla has added sugar in it…plain non fat yogurt is a great idea,or you many want to consider giving a probiotic…Proviable DC is one that many of us here use.  You want to be sure to give the probiotic (whether its yogurt or the pill form) and panacur (or metro) least 2 hours apart from each other.  The probiotic is important b/c metro or panacur gets rid of the good and the bad bacteria in the gut. and the bacteria needs to be replenished.

Did the vet do any blood work? And how is Lotus acting? Recently our one-year-old doodle vomited and had bloody diarrhea and was very lethargic and wasn't acting like himself and was having difficulty getting comfortable and was pacing a lot. He absolutely refused to eat or drink (and he usually wolfs down anything in front of him). We took him to the vet and at first they thought it was a stomach bug.

They kept him for the day to give him fluids via IV because he was already close to dehydrated by the time we got there (they checked with an electrolyte blood test). Anyway, while he was there his weakness and lack of appetite concerned them and they ran blood work.

It turned out he had an acute episode of pancreatitis. Some dogs are apparently more prone. I'm still looking into this because he hadn't had anything particularly fatty. So I don't know what caused it. But they've told us to keep him on a low fat diet.

The vet said she had repeatedly pressed on his stomach to check for this because supposedly they react to pressing on their stomach because this is a painful condition. But he hadn't budged. She said he hid his pain really well. So don't assume because he's not reacting to pressing on his tummy, that it still may not be something like this.

I hope it's not this. But just thought I'd mention it just in case.

Thank you everyone for the sound advice. Took lotus back to the vet for blood work and stool spec. She probably has giardia yikes!.she's already on Flagyl if the test is possible they may use pancour
.where do I get the probiotic

I'm glad you took her back, and they are blood testing and stool can put plain yogurt in her food..though I think everyone said that it should be a couple of hours after medicine. Keep us posted.

Sarah, check out my post in the health group about Cally having Giardia, the information will be very helpful to you! I was very prepared!



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