Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Is anyone using Nexgard, oral flea and tick preventative? Opinions anyone?

Our Vet recommended Nexgard for fleas. It's made by the makers of Front.ine, but is a beef flavored pill. Same coverage for fleas and ticks, for 30 days. Wanting to try as the topical presents a problem in the summer with dogs swimming several times a day. Anyone have and insight into this new product?

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I understand Adina, especially with little ones touching the dogs. For that reason alone I feel its worth a try, besides the swimming. When I put it on Murphy he always rolls around on whatever surface he can get on first, bed, carpets, couch, as though he can feel it and wants to rub it off. Yuck.

I always made Rosco "down-stay" for a few minutes after application so he wouldn't shake it off.  They haven't otherwise seemed to notice.

So true Adina.  I just put it on Quincy after he came in from our back woods with a tick this morning.  I feel like I am poisoning him but also fear if I don't use it.  ---JUST noticed this post is old.  

Trifexis had it's own issues and even if that wasn't the case, it made Tank throw up. With three, I was concerned about the topical and all of them crawling all over each other. Tried nexguard for the first time this month. They did not gobble it down but we put it and their heartworm on their food (watching to make sure no one moved from to another's bowl) and they ate it without noticing. That was last week and so far, so good. No one acted strange, sleepy or got sick.

Totally anecdotal and not based on facts, but Frontline Plus - which I do use - causes my dogs to mat - mostly around the application site, but a fresh application, once it penetrates, causes more matting all over on Ned for a couple of weeks. I wonder if it dries out the skin to do this?   So my question would be might Nexguard NOT do that.

Nexgard is an oral flea/tick preventative...I am not sure if it would cause matting.
Interesting Nancy, as it does require the dogs skin to be not freshly bathed so that it can be absorbed into the natural oils of the skin. ( I think I read that somewhere in the packaging/directions) could it dry out their skin? I guess it's possible. Now I have to watch for increased matting, but hard to say because we use it every 4 weeks. By then the hair is longer and matting more anyway. Which reminds me, someone is due for a grooming this weekend.

So interesting that you say that, Nancy, because when I put Advantix on Ragley last month I noticed a definite change in the texture of her hair surrounding the application sites. It was more dry, thin, and coarse than the rest of her body. I thought it was perhaps just an extreme coincidence and her coat change was just starting between her shoulders (she is in prime coat change age range), but over the past month I haven't seen this type of hair anywhere else on her body (I would expect it to have spread at least a little) and it has actually begun to go back to its normal soft and fuller texture now. It is no longer a rough, thin line anymore. I have held off on applying another dose because I really do think the topical application had an effect on her skin and coat health. I obviously don't have scientific data/results backing me up, but I am truly shocked at the difference between then and now. 

Oh, well we might not change then.  It took me a couple of years to put the extra matting pattern together.  We slack off flea prevention in the winter unless we notice a problem or we are going to be around fleas.

The last time I used frontline Willow's fur turned purple where I applied was really weird.
Now that is weird. Do you think it was a chemical reaction from her shampoo you used? Does she swim? Crazy, considering the frontline is clear. What do you think it might be?

I really have no clue. Maybe it was a reaction to her shampoo, I never thought of that. It was so strange I put it on at night and the next morning she had purple fur. I don't even have furniture or a rug that is purple that she could lay was bizarre. 



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