Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi Everyone! I'm still learning how to navigate around Doodle Kisses, so please forgive me if this is in the wrong spot!

I would love to hear from anyone who has experience with "temperament testing" puppies. The breeder we have chosen for our new puppy does not allow the family to choose their own puppy, but they choose for you based on the looks you specify and the temperament testing scores of the puppy. 

This makes me nervous in a way, but there are other aspects of this process that seem positive to me.

I am super anxious to see if they will choose one of the puppies we have fallen in love with from the litter.

Please share your knowledge and experience with this!


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It appears at the top right of the page when you open doodle kisses--the word friends in blue. Click on it.

I raise pups and very often I have to sway a person toward a certain pup rather than the one they have fallen in love with--they are going by looks and a ten minute first impression whereas i am observing them 24/7 and know their temperament much better--in the last litter I raised there was a pup that was reserved but not shy. He could also be quite stubborn...I put him with a very dog savvy older lady who would not let him hide and become an anxious dog. I felt that with a family, the commotion would be too much for him and he would not get the training he needed---but he was adorable and everyone loved it turned out, he is a great dog and the woman loves him to pieces---but he did require work and she had the time to do it. 

So, a lot goes into the decision. IF this is a good breeder, i would be OK with her choosing--but be careful, as Anja said...maybe there are red flags about her. Also, if you want a certain type of coat (doodle coats are not at all created equal) you should be able to know that she is giving you what you want.

I think its difficult to assess the breeder without visiting and seeing where the pups are living, that said, I know it's not always possible. For us, we did not want to deal with a breeder that gave us little to no input or let us pick our own puppy. We felt that we would know which puppies would fit best in our lives and as Nancy said, these little ones will be part of our lives for many years to come. One breeder that we contacted and would like to have worked with would give us no input, we wanted 2 males close together in age, they also did the spay/neuter in most cases before you took the pups home at 8-9 weeks old which just isn't right now matter how you look at it. In the end, we found a breeder that worked out for us, we have 2 boys that are 3 weeks apart in age, just turned or turning 6 months old and we couldn't be happier. Good luck with your decision and go with whoever you believe will provide you your little forever buddy!
My breeder suggested the book called The Art of Raising a Puppy. It explains the different scores and puppy testing. Those breeders also pick the puppy that best fits you and your lifestyle. I am half way through the book and it is a good read.
I got pictures of the puppy that was chosen for us today, along with the temperament testing summary.
She is perfect, and the exact puppy from the litter I was hoping for!! :)
Heather, she is so adorable! Congratulations and enjoy your new puppy :-)

I'm in LOVE!!! She's adorable!

Sofie is a beauty!  I'm so glad that your first choice was the breeder's choice for you.  Yay!

Congratulations on your pick and the breeders pick coinciding. She is truly adorable.

She is gorgeous! I love the second picture of her!  I can't believe that your first pick and the breeders pick for you are the same!  Must be meant to be!  Our Myla was picked for us by the breeder and I was very skeptical of the process but OMD, she is the most perfect dog for our lifestyle!  You must be so excited!  This is the fun part - knowing your puppy and getting ready!!!!  Have fun!!!!



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