Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Zach is so patient.  I had to take a lot of pictures for this week's comic strip, so I decided to video as we did the session.  Hahha.  I used an Eagles track for the video which I loved, but YouTube blocked it because of copyright.  

So I edited it using their allowed music, and here it the result...

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Loved this!  Zach is one patient Dood and those hats and accessories were a riot!  It amazes me how they love the camera and dress up time!  Great video!

Thanks very much. I haven't made a video in a long time. It was fun.

Great video!  Hats off to you Zach :)

Haha! He wants all the hats off for sure.

LOL...very cute. Zach reminds me of Vern. He is very patient, too!!

Good sweet vern. The models. They all need agents. Wait, I seem to recall JD is Vern and Fudge's agent.

He was, but then their mother tried to make him wear clothes. 

The humiliation.

Zach is so patient and it was so fun to see your work in progress! Love it!

Thanks very much, Janie!

Zach is so patient, and so darn CUTE.  Thanks for posting, some of us who's dogs won't pose, can 'enjoy vicariously' . . .

You can see the finished product here:   

I really needed a distraction this week, and this was so great to have as a project to focus on.  Thanks for all your comments!  I really appreciate them.



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