Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
We've been struggling with Luna and getting her to eat. Its almost like she forgets to eat - if we hand-feed her a few kibble she'll eat it, she begs for our people food which she does not get. If we feed her a few pieces of kibble - she'll usually continue eating out of her bowl. When we were at the vet the last time he told us not to hand-feed- she is being stubborn and if she is hungry she will eat. We've been doing that - but the last 2 days she's been throwing up. Yesterday morning a few hours after her breakfast and then again in the afternoon (both times it was brown and yellow liquid). Last night she didn't eat her dinner - this morning she threw up yellow foamy stuff. I put her bowl in front of her on her bed and she ate a few pieces. I'm so frustrated, we keep running to the vet for these random issue and he pretty much tells me she's fine every time. She is on Orijen Six Fish. Luna is 1 1/2 years old. Do other people's doodles do this - is it a phase?
The yellow foamy stuff is bile, and it happens in the a.m. when dogs have empty stomachs. It happens even with some dogs who do eat their food without a problem, and many people here give those dogs a bedtime "snack" to prevent it.
But that's not really your main problem.
I also don't think you can make any kind of generalization about how "these dogs" eat. They are all individuals, and they are all mixed breeds. Some of them are chow hounds who will eat anything that is put before them at any time, and those are the ones who can end up with a weight problem. Others are picky eaters who seem to go days without eating and have other peculiar eating habits like only wanting to eat when someone is around, or no one is around, or in the middle of the night, etc. Some dogs do better with rotation diets to keep them interested in their food.
If a dog is a healthy weight, has no digestive issues, normal regular stools, and good energy, she is eating enough. Your vet is right, a normal healthy dog will not starve herself.
However, there are dogs who do have a digestive problem, and don't eat because of that. That's why it's a mistake to try to tempt a dog who is normally a good eater with toppers, human food, etc. If a dog who normally eats well suddenly stops wanting to eat, that dog is telling you something is wrong. Always believe her.
The only part of your post that concerns me is the vomiting. (Not the a.m. bile from the empty stomach). Vomiting more than once is a sign that something is not right. Couple that with lack of appetite and you have a stronger sign. Unfortunately, because she is a picky eater, these signs may not be as apparent to your vet as they would be is she always cleaned her bowl the instant you set it down.
If it were not for the vomiting, I would tell you to stop hand feeding, and to give her 20 minutes to eat her food at each meal and then take the bowl away. I would also suggest possibly trying one of the other Orijen formulas.
But I'm not altogether sure there isn't something going on here other than stubbornness and pickiness. She doesn't want to eat, is reluctant to eat, and then when she does eat, she vomits the food up a few hours later, and this goes on for two days; that's worrisome.
When was the last time you had her at the vet? When was she last weighed?
April, I got some advice from a neighbor a few months back, and it was bang on for us. If your dog is acting off, something is probably off. I totally agree with Karen. I'm not trying to get you spend money you don't need to spend, but I would go to your vet and insist they check her out to make sure there's nothing else going on.
We were at the vet just last week and talked about all the food stuff and he said to absolutely stop hand-feeding her because she will get used to it and its a hard habit to break. I had her there to look at these spots on her belly - he said they are nothing to worry about either. She was weighed last week - was at 60lbs even. She was there 2 weeks before that and was 60lbs as well. She does play a bit- but gets tired real quick, she is sleeping a lot lately. I work from home so I am home all day with her. She sleeps through the night, I get up multiple times during the night and she doesn't move much..She sleeps next to our bed. I had switched to Orijen Regional Red a few months ago - and she started with the paw licking. As soon as I switched back to Six Fish it stopped immediately. She didn't seem to like the adult Orijen at all. Luna has been going back and forth on her appetite for like 5 months. I had switched to the Regional Red because I thought she was bored - and although she ate it - she started licking her paws and having stool issues. She finally finished her food that I had put out last night -an hour or so ago - she's been sleeping ever since.
When you saw the vet last week, I think maybe the vomiting had not started yet, is that correct? As I mentioned, if not for that, I would have agreed with the vet that she is just being picky. But this is a new symptom, so I would at least call and mention it, along with the fact that she is sleeping a lot lately and seems to have less energy. Loss of appetite coupled with lethargy and vomiting, those are all signs of a problem. I think a blood panel might be in order.
I suggested the formula change only because it keeps some dogs are more interested in their food. But I honestly don't think this is a food issue.
Not to be pushy, but maybe you need a second opinion? If you took the word dog out of your paragraph and swapped it for "my daughter" or "my son," you'd say, "my doctor is missing something." Clearly it's not the same, but doctors miss stuff all the time.
I agree. Just be sure that you don't let a vet talk you into Rx food, for any reason.
Also wanted to mention she did have a comprehensive exam, tested fecal, bloodwork, ear and nose swabs - etc. That was only a month and a half ago. Everything was normal. I'll make an appointment with a different vet.
At the time the exam and bloodwork were done, what was going on with her eating? The question is, have there been changes in appetite, energy, & eating habits/digestion since then?
She was having appetite and energy issues then as well. The new symptom is the throwing up. She was skipping food a few times a week and vomiting bile. Yesterday - the non-bile vomit was new... she hasn't done that again today yet... but its still early.
Another problem is that a standard blood panel doesn't show everything. It won't show a malabsorption issue, for example. For that you need a special (and very expensive) GI panel which must be sent out. Digestive issues can be among the most frustrating to figure out. Even Xrays usually don't show anything.
Is she licking or smacking her lips much? Drooling? Burping? Any loud rumbling sounds from her tummy, especially after drinking water? These are important signs to watch for.
If the vomiting continues or you see any of the signs I mentioned, I would ask for a GI panel.
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