Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Shari Becker
  • Female
  • Brookline, MA
  • United States
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Shari Becker's Friends

  • Kimberly and Mikey
  • Lori, Winnie, Bob and Indie
  • Cindy and Olive (Ollie)
  • Jordan & Daisy
  • Robin & Josie
  • Karen Gallagher
  • Lynda Kamrath

Shari Becker's Discussions

Primrose Oil Dosage

Started this discussion. Last reply by Shari Becker Apr 6, 2015. 2 Replies

Karen, Can you remind me of the max dosage of primrose oil? The Whole Foods near me now only carries Jarrow. I bought it without checking the dosage, and it turns out it is 1300mg instead of the…Continue

Hard day for Lexi and her people

Started this discussion. Last reply by Ricki and Tara (doodle) Feb 17, 2015. 24 Replies

Lexi had a very upset stomach yesterday. Threw up a little in the morning. We attributed it to AM bile and then fled Boston for my inlaws out of the storm path. After we arrived she started having…Continue

Can anyone advise on basic dental care?

Started this discussion. Last reply by Nancy and Georgia Brown Dec 23, 2014. 11 Replies

Can anyone advise me on cleaning Lexi's teeth? Truth be told at 18 months, neither of the vets we've seen have even mentioned this to me. Two days ago she was chewing on an old Nylabone toy and we…Continue

Anyone know a good doodle groomer in Toronto, Ontario or within an hour of Port Huron, MI

Started this discussion. Last reply by BG and Gavin Jul 18, 2014. 2 Replies

On Friday, we are heading out on a long and winding road trip to Michigan, where we will be staying for four weeks. Lexi was supposed to get groomed tomorrow. We think she may have an ear infection…Continue

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Shari Becker's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
Author and freelance writer. First time doodle owner - first time dog owner! Lifelong dog lover.
What Type of Doodle(s) do you have? What are their names? Tell us about your doodle(s) or any other pets you have!
Lexington "lexi", 19-month multigen curly-haired small/medium doodle.
Where did you get your doodle(s)?
Why did you choose a doodle rather than another breed or mix?
We have real allergies in our home, but our youngest daughter suffers from anxiety, and we wanted a dog that would have the right disposition to love her and help her work through those moments. We felt like we needed a bigger dog personality for that reason. The goldendoodle seemed like the perfect fit.
What are Your Favorite Things to Do With Your Doodles?
She's still pretty young, but we love to play catch and run at the park. She loves snuggling with our daughters.
Does your doodle(s) shed?
Who grooms your doodle(s)?
me and the groomer
Relationship Status:
Do you have a website of your own? If so, share it here:

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Comment Wall (12 comments)

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At 3:53pm on June 28, 2016, Cindy and Olive (Ollie) said…
I love Lexi's tutu - how adorable. Now that I finally have another girl around, I must consider dolling her up, lol!
At 12:51pm on January 29, 2015, Cindy and Olive (Ollie) said…
I truly appreciate the support. When did Lexi outgrow the chew fetish these pups seem to have? Rip is almost ten months now and in all other ways seems mature (those soft toys are like catnip though, I guess! ;) - Not sure I will outgrow MY "nuttiness" in any case, lol! I'm caring about him like I birthed him. Never realized he'd charm me so...
At 8:02am on December 15, 2014, Deanna M. said…

Thanks for your comment Shari.  Even though I am still really struggling I know Sulley has played a huge role in the progress I have made and Molly will as well.  I don't have to have them with me every waking moment but every moment I am with them helps.  I consider them emotional support dogs.  So glad to hear that Lexi has been such a blessing to your family.

At 8:28am on December 13, 2014, Joanne ~ Spud* said…

such a wonderful comment you left on the post "Confessions"

I'm a believer that dogs can get us through long winters and take our minds off problems. Anxiety is so severe but it can be helped with dogs in many cases. Not all, but many of us know it can and does work. 

Happy Calm Days to You

At 10:49pm on November 8, 2014, Joanne ~ Spud* said…

Do a search on here and you will find some talk about it.  We just dont tell those who are batting ear infections. It should only be used as a maintenance and not for those that have dogs who already have infections.  Or, for those who dont want to take their dogs to the vet... which you already do.   

At 10:48pm on November 8, 2014, Joanne ~ Spud* said…

It is an old wives tale remedy by Standard Poodle Breeders since ... well probably the turn of the century. My vet was floored that we had made it a year, then another year, and come March, three years.   

Those of us here that have swimming dogs, or dogs with funky ears do use it.  My dog cant use any products that are liquid, some drop antibiotic, etc.  Really, I had two years of nightmares. 

It keeps the ears dry.   And with yeast, you want dry.   It stinks. LOL   And it works  :)  

We never had mites. We  had yeast and then infections.  Infections, then yeast and NOTHING WORKED.   

At 12:50pm on November 8, 2014, Joanne ~ Spud* said…


Try Thornit.    I hate to put this product out in your discussion for the simple reason people will use it without getting proper vet care for their dogs with infections.

Many of us use this product here who have had a long history of ear issues with no results.  We use it as a maintenance product not a medication: yeasty ears, dogs who swim a lot, dogs who can not use wet cleaning products, etc 

You have to order it from the UK but my little 100mg bottle is 3 years old and I have used only  1/2 a bottle in three yeas.   A tiny pinch in the ears twice a month.  Next spring it will be 3 years without ear issues for us!!!   

Here is the link.  ( dont use the USA links  )

At 7:27am on May 2, 2014, Lynda Kamrath said…

You are most welcome, Shari, and it is a constant question around here also.  To add to the problem, Harpo is one of those rare animals that gets poison oak.  He had it many times last year and our area is filled with oaks(and poison oak).  So I have to keep him on leash at all times that we are in an area with poison oak.  Harpo, BTW, is my ALD and Groucho Too was my phantom doodle.  I am hoping to get a phantom sheepadoodle next and am working with a breeder who is planning on doing some breeding to get just this.  She has her breeding stock but they are too young and have not completed all testing, so it will be another year (at least).  Zeppo is filling in as a companion for Harpo until the sheepadoodles are bred.  Good luck with your grooming, it is worth it.  Harpo was the same way with the brushes when we started with him.  Take it very slow.  Now he loves to be groomed and brushed and actually jumps up onto the grooming table when I take out a brush.  He stood off and on for two days for his latest groom.   My husband and I take turns on a total groom.

At 10:34am on March 28, 2014, Lynda Kamrath said…

You definitely will be able to do your own grooming if you have the time.  It is not that difficult.  We have always groomed our own doodles.  Try some different brushes to find what you (and Lexi) like.  The poodle in her makes her willing to stand for hours for grooming.  Our dogs love it, and Harpo even jumps up onto the grooming table for a good brushout.  My husband and I both like grooming (and are retired) so we take our time and spread a full groom out over several days.  First we do the face and the feet (clean her ears well) and we use clippers on the feet between the toes and on their faces.  Then we do a scissors cut on the whole body, and finally a wash, blow dry, and final cut.  It takes us a few days, but we do not like to work too long at a time.

At 10:23am on March 28, 2014, Lynda Kamrath said…

You are not so new but I saw your message and wanted to respond.  I looked through 20 pages of members before I did the advanced search.  There are so many members here these days, so I will request you to be a friend to make it easier.

Anyway, your questions are the same ones we all have been asking and they are very normal.  About shots and medications for tics and fleas, they are just better than the alternatives.  We live in an area with many tics but I have never seen a flea on our dogs, so I use Frontline whenever it is tic season (after rain, which we have not had much of this year).  I also give me dogs Quadri medications for worms, which are always around in many forms.  Shots, plenty when they are young, but only rabies (which is required) afterwards.  I have had titer tests done on my dogs to see if they still have some immunities, and they usually do.  Another shot you may want to keep current is parvo which is also very common and widespread.  This is especially true if you visit dog parks. Neutering and spaying - just logical if you are not a breeder.  Pets should not be bred.  When?  I think as young as possible and always have my breeders take care of it before I even get my pups.

Any other questions, I will be glad to tell you what I know.  I am on my third doodle, and the other two died early (7 years) of cancer and liver failure.



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