Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi there all you grooming experts. 

I took Truffle for his grooming today and received some bad news.  In part because Truffle is 10 months old and going through his coat change, and in part because he was recently neutered and had a cone on for two weeks, he has severe mats all over his body, particularly around his neck and under his chin.

The groomer called me to give me two options (1) shave him down to what will likely be almost his skin (or if we're lucky 1/4 inch) or (2) attempt to demat him with a rake over the next 10-14 days, doing a small portion of his body 30-60 minutes a day so that when I bring him in again, they can get through any remaining mats without torturing our little monster.

I feel like a completely incompetent dog owner.  I comb him almost daily, yet I was obviously doing a crappy job.  Anyway, the thought of option (1) made me cry (I was sobbing on the phone to my husband who must think I've lost all sense of perspective), so I am now determined to make enough headway with the mats to salvage Truffle's beautiful fleece coat.

The groomer gave me a good rake to use and showed me how to use it, and I hope I can make progress without hurting Truffle or getting too discouraged.

The groomer told me he's had one client in 12 years who managed to successfully demat her dog and save her dog's coat, so I know it's not impossible.  But I also know that it's going to be very difficult.  I refuse, however, to give up without a fight.  If we ultimately have to shave it down, I'll at least know that I tried my best to avoid it (although had I really tried my best, perhaps he wouldn't be as matted as he is  now).

Anyway, would love any practical advice on how to remove the mats (which are all, for the most part, big and clumpy and close to his skin) - including how to keep Truffle still for short periods of time while I work on them (he will be getting lots of yummy treats over the coming days, that's for sure).  And if you have good luck wishes to spare, I'll happily accept them!  Thanks in advance for the support

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The coat change is definitely to blame, not you! ;)

Here's a picture of Omar with his short haircut.

This is one totally adorable little Teddy bear!!

Aw thanks! I am so hopelessly smitten with this little guy. He is pure JOY.

Poor Truffle and poor you! I know how you feel- I let Ragley swim a couple days in a row without combing her legs and she had some matting that took a few hours (spread out) to comb out. In the end, I was successful and she was relatively patient with me, but it was not a pleasant experience for her at all. There were many times where I had to back off for a while because she let out a little whimper of pain and was trying to snuggle herself into my lap. It broke my heart. Never again would I put her through that. I have vowed to be more diligent so it doesn't happen again, but if it did- the scissors would come out. Good luck with Truffle's coat!

Truffle is adorable!  When our fiesty pup just won't cooperate we do a team brushing.  I line brush & de-mat while my husband holds a bully stick or frozen kong and keeps him distracted.  We do it in short bursts with plenty of breaks.  I hold the mat at its base to minimize pulling, start at the edges of the mat and slowly work my way through it.  Right now we keep Oliver in a puppy cut which allows us to more easily get down to the skin to brush.  We've been dealing with the coat change for a few months now, and had to cut him shorter to keep up with it, even with consistent line brushing.  It was literally life changing to be combing through 1.5" hair vs a 3"-4" length :)  It'll grow back!

Here are photos of Oliver with a his 1.5" puppy cut vs 3" longer length (with cone!)

This happens to almost everyone, so you are not alone. The coat you are trying to save gets dry and thin looking as the healthy adult coat shows up. To really save a coat of any length, IMO you would have to scissor down half the length and then start dematting. In all fairness to the dog, just shave him and let him be cool for the summer. Here is one of my 6 month old puppies shaved for summer so he didn't pick up to many sticks and burrs.

Such a cutie pie!!

Gorgeous pup.

Truffle is soooo cute!  Oh my goodness.  I can totally sympathize.  When Maizey was about the same age I went through the same emotions and feeling like a terrible doodle owner because Maizey developed these really awful mats.  I was completely stressed out about it and feeling really horrible.  My groomer said it would take her all day to try to de-mat Maizey so I opted for the shave and it ended up being just fine.  Maizey even sported the lions tail look for a while...It's definitely the coat change!

It was a bit of a shock (she had such skinny little legs under all the hair!!!) but she actually seemed happier. When I picked her up, she was really bouncy and smiley and she stopped panting all the time, which made me think she is not as much of a fan of the longer hair as I am.   

Don't beat yourself up about it - just like with people, it will most definitely grow back. Hang in there and if you end up having to shave him down, give him lots of hugs - he's still the same super wonderful pup! 

Truffle is adorable! My ALD Simon has an ultra-soft spiral fleece coat. He didn't have a tangle or mat because I combed him EVERY DAY. He turned 10 months old and the mats began. He matted when his feet got wet from morning dew, when it rained, when he and my other doodle played, when he breathed!! The mats were uncontrollable. I had to make a decision about what was best for Simon. There is no way you can demat a dog without causing him discomfort. Having your hair pulled is never painless. Imagine having it pulled all over you entire body for days on end. All the treats in the world are not going to make it better. Your best bet is to know you are doing the absolute best thing for your baby. He is going to look different, but still adorable. Grooming will be easier on both of you. You can learn how to line brush and comb Truffle to help control mats where they start. Simon is now 5 years old and his ultra soft coat STILL mats!! I keep him groomed at about 1 1/2", with his ears a little longer and he looks good all the time. People stop and ask who grooms him. He is happier, I am happier. Only problem is how fast his hair grows out!! All the best.

Thanks so much for the great suggestions and kind words, everyone!  I'm starting to feel better already.  Your dogs are all so adorable - and their photos do give me hope that if we go the shaving route, it'll turn out ok.  I want to do what's best for him.  If I find it's too painful for him, we'll shave.  He won't care - I'm sure I care about how he looks much more than he does!  



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