Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I want to get Yogi his first dog bed now. He loves to lay his head on a pillow either in my bed or when chilling on the floor. So I thought of getting one that has the bolsters on the side for him to curl up into and rest his head on.
Maci comes home on Tuesday next week. I'm wondering should I give it to him now so he can claim it as his, or wait till she is here so it doesn't really belong to either one since she might jump into it also.
Maybe this doesn't matter at all, I've never had two dogs at once before so I'm probably overthinking it.
I just want to make it as easy a transition as I can......

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I think it probably doesn't really matter.  Most dogs find their own way to which one owns what and which things they share.  My girls take turns on their hammock and they share a chair, frequently lay on the floor curled up together.  They have been know to pile on top of each other in order to "the one" that lays next to me on the couch.



Your girls are adorable!!!

Thank you, I am in LOVE with them.

Love those pictures! What snuggle pups! :-)

Judy, your pups are so sweet. I can't wait to see what my two do together.

i don't think it matters, either.  They'll sort it out . They'll probably share and might end up sleeping together. So I'd opt for a large one :)

Cheryl, good idea. Maybe I should get a larger one...

I bought beds and my doodles do not use them.  Oliver "might" hang on the bed for a short time but Sasha will have nothing to do with the bed !!!

I don't think it really matters- they will figure it out, but OMD I can't wait to see pictures of the two of them on the new bed! Ragley is one of those who does not particularly care for her bed. She loves pillows and cushions to lay her head on, but she never goes to curl up on her bed. The only times she really uses it is when she is chewing her antler or benebone because she knows she is not allowed to chew those on the hardwood floor. I keep holding out hope that one day she will love to curl up on one!

Just about everything in the house has already been "claimed" or marked by Yogi. Floors, rugs, pillows, your bed, couches chairs......don't think a dog bed will matter to Maci. She's a girl, she'll claim what she wants regardless....joking! But she will figure it out all in good time.
Sue, too funny!

I agree.  They will find their own favorite places.  I have mats on the floor in our bedroom and a dog bed if they want to use it, but many times they just prefer to sleep on the tiles in the bathroom or kitchen.  Let them worry about where they are going to sleep, you have other things to worry about. BTW, covers on memory foam pads make great beds for your dogs and are easily cleaned.



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