Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I just saw something on the internet about naming dogs.

My Doodle is Brenna, which means raven haired in Gaelic.

DD and I searched the internet for names that would indicate her color.

How did you all come up with your Doodle's name.

Just doing this for fun.

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Our doodles' names are Charlie Brown & Beau (short for Beauregard).  We loved the name Charlie and the fact he was chocolate we decided on Charlie Brown (not even thinking about the cartoon character).  Beauregard is a French surname meaning "beautiful outlook" - and our Beau is a very happy character who actions just make us chuckle!

My doodle was going to be named Finnegan or Fenway. My son lived near Fenway Park in Boston and we loved going to games there. But I also love Irish names - I think they're so warm and friendly. Kind of melodic. Finn's name means "little fair one" and that seemed to fit my little blond puppy perfectly. The name also reminds me of a sailor. I don't know why, but this is one doodle that loves the water. So Finnegan it is.

My older boy is called Hartley. He is named after Hartlepool, which is the town I used to live in in England before moving to Canada. My second doodle is called Chase, which apparently means Hunter or Huntsman. He was supposed to be a female which I had planned to call Abby or Emma, but when I saw the litter I chose him and he came home without a name! My ex named him, and he does live up to it - if given the opportunity (which I don't allow to happen anymore) he takes off through the forest after wildlife.
We lovingly used to call my husband Yogi, because he was always eating and watching plates, saying "are you done with that", hence comparing it to Yogi's stealing picnic baskets. This was when our kids were young and we were on vacation in Yellowstone at the time. I of course became the ranger for obvious reasons ;-)
So when we were searching for our name, I wanted 2 syllables and a name to reflect the goofy nature of many doodles.
Yogi in honor of hubby was a no brainer. (Plus I wanted an extra reason for DH to connect to our new puppy).
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Not like that's been needed.
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Cute story and pictures :) 

George, is after George Lucas. I've loved Star Wars since I was a little girl (I know it's nerdy) and SO is the same. We thought we were getting a male dog, but she had the color and more importantly the temperment we were looking for. Our newest addition, Juno. Was called uno by the guardian home of her mom (she was the only pup) and we added a J to it after the asteroid and the Jupiter spacecraft. This helped it match George Lucas. Both of their names deal with space. (I know, we're nerds) we both love particle and astrophysics. :)
Great to hear all these stories behind the name.
Brisby is short for Brisbane, a territory in Australia since he is an ALD. He's a white standard. He acts very regal and dignified (aka stuffy old man syndrome) when our other 2 get the zoomies.
Jake was a rescue and though I don't particularly care for his name given his personality I couldn't bear to change it with what he went through in his previous life. He's a black F1b standard. He is stealthy, quick and smart as a whip. But he is very protective of our family, including our other doodles, and slow to warm to strangers.
Pickles is the name of my 9 year olds orange stuffed cat, her most beloved stuffed animal (that has seen better days). We figured that the stuffy's days might be numbers so Pickles became Pickles. He is a ALD red/apricot small standard. He is goofy and if he was a human I think he would be a surfer dude.

So it's Pickles, Brisby and Jake. Unknowingly we created the acronym "PB&J" for our doodle gang and it's stuck. Lol!

I think the PB&J gang is adorable. We have BP&M which isn't as catchy, but it is definitely how they're referred too often! 

DH is a car fanatic: all my animals are named after cars we have had. So, there was a Ferrari in the garage at one time AND, there is a great book called "The Art of Racing in the Rain". It is narrated by a dog named "Enzo" our Enzo has a dual meaning.

My husband has decided the next doodle, which won't be for quite some time will be named Tesla. He said the only thing that would change his mind is if there is another super awesome new sports car that comes out in the mean time. 

LOL...BMW I8! We have one on order!
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Whoop whoop! Enzo will approve as do our 3! ;)



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