Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Today, I saw the strangest thing at the Vet's office. I had to stop in and pick up the dog's Frontline and standing in the lobby was a woman with a gorgeous Doodle dog. This woman went up to the owner and asked what kind of dog she had and the owner said it was a Saintberdoodle. While they were talking, the dog jumped up on the woman as she oohed and aahed over the dog. I could hear her saying to the dog, "Oh, I see you are shy and don't like people," as she continued to stroke the dog's soft fur.  She told the dog that her dogs were going to smell her all over her and be so jealous and then she bent over the dog and did the weirdest thing....she kissed this stranger's dog. OMD....who does that to someone's dog??  Well, the answer is ME and as soon as I did it, I could not believe it and said my goodbyes and ran out to the car to tell John what I had done.

He was no help and said that is why he was not a dog kisser, because he didn't want to ever accidentally kiss a stranger's dog. I felt like an idiot and knew I would not like someone I did not know kissing my two dogs. Heck, I can barely stand it if I see someone come out of one of those Porta-potties and head towards my dogs, knowing full well they did not wash their hands. I tried to get John to reassure me that it was not as weird as I was imaging, but John said it was plenty weird and the woman was probably having the dog groomed as we speak.

I thought about Karen telling us dogs don't like strangers reaching over the tops of their heads, but couldn't remember if she every said anything about kissing the top of the head of a strange dog at the Vet's office. What was I thinking? Is this a sign of weird things to come? Any help would be appreciated.


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Hmmmm. . . . just add that to the rest of your persona . . .  and . . . .  nope not weird at all! 

LOL....thank you for putting that so nicely :)


Hahaha! Well I can list a whole bunch of doodles I have met and kissed.. and I never gave it a second thought.. except maybe that I hoped Jack and Jilly didn't see me.. now I feel like I need your sign!

I know where you can get that sign :) I suspect you knew the Doodle owners, right? Or are we both weirdos? LOL

Totally know the owners! Lol

John should be happy that it was only a strange dog that you could be way worse.

LOL....John seemed unfazed, as usual :)

Great, I kissed a dog and I liked it, dum, dum de de de de-all nght long.


My dog and I have French Kissed!! A couple of times I have got in close to his face while talking to him and he has stuck his tongue in my mouth!! Eeeewwwww - I know where that tongue has been!! Lesson learnt, no more close up talking!!

LOL....yes, beware of those tongues :)



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