Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Amazingly this dog is okay!
I saw this article earlier today, and I can't figure out how the owners didn't notice this many socks missing. I know that socks do seem to disappear quite frequently in the wash, but 43 of them ????????
I'm glad the dog is okay.
Since Spud, we have socks everywhere. It is almost like confetti. He has one in his mouth at all times.
So glad he has no interest in eating them.
Someone feed this poor Dane!
We always have orphan socks! My washer eats them. Thank goodness Quincy doesn't!
We are so lucky that Alma just takes socks and wanders around with them in her mouth. We have a gate so she can't get into our laundry room just in case. But just this morning I came downstairs to find her with a stinky sock in her mouth. Someone had left the gate open during the night (I think it was me). So, I traded her the sock for a nice squeaky toy - no wonder she takes them - she thinks she will get a prize when she gives them up! : )
That dog is lucky to be alive! He may not fare as well with another surgery so hopefully they will keep an eye on him and put their laundry in the hamper.
Amen, Deb.
Poor baby.... I'm glad my doodles do not like socks !!!
I saw that article on FB yesterday, unbelievable! I'm glad the dog is ok but I hope the family is correcting their habits to ensure it doesn't happen again. I too, am thankful that I don't have sock eating doodles.
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