Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Com'on, say it with me
Yes, that wonderful medal has been traveling once again.
Not only did it make its way out of Colorado, to the Adirondack Mountain's,
in New York State, but it ended up at my house in Plattsburgh.
I was surprised beyond belief.
Lil'ol me, getting the HDA award.
Woo weeee, Jarka, Monty and Auggie, made me happier then a tick on a fat dog  seagull with a french fry!
They went all out too. I came home from running errands and there was a Fife and Drum Corps standing right on my front lawn, waiting to greet me with a congratulatory song.
As they were playing, marching up the sidewalk comes a parade, with the mailman leading ! 
Seriously, what a festive presentation.
I felt like Dorothy, when the Lollipop Guild gave her the key to OZ.
Well, with all that said, lets move on....
Finnley didn't have to be told that there might be something in that box for her, she could smell it right away.
I sat down on the floor to open the huge box that Jarka had sent. Finnley was happily wagging her big doodle tail, and had her big head shoved in that box the very second  I got it opened. She immediately dove right at a bag that looked like beef jerky. Turned out to be dried lamb lung. Jarka told me her boys loved them. Well Finnley does too !
There were so many treasures in this box, it was like finding Blackbeard's booty!
The picture above was dried lamb lung in that plastic bag. That was one of the aromatic goodies that Finnley could smell even before the box was opened. That and some wonderful Icelandic fish jerky. The colorful big ball, is a soft squishy Chuckit ball. Finnley took off with it and left me to dig in the box alone for another minute. That was when I found Platty. A Platypus stuffie. It is stuffed with balls that look like Kiwi fruit. They are meant for the dog to pull out of a hole in its stomach. They squeak and Finnley has been having a blast with them !
There were many other goodies too. A beautiful silk scarf for me, some YUMMY toffee covered cashews made in Colorado, (they didn't make the picture we kind of ate them ) as well as a gooey made in  Colorado brownie mix to be made.
However, lets get right to the BIGGEST, and most WONDERFUL gift in my HDA treasure box !!
Jarka sent one of her BEAUTIFUL paintings, of Finnley. !!!
It is gorgeous, and that still isn't doing it justice. I love it!
Due to my DH's extreme picture taking impairment (he stinks) I'm sorry about the first picture, with the portrait below.
I took the next one with all the goodies together. Well not ALL the goodies.
Seems we made pigs of ourselves and ate all the toffee covered cashews !
th all the goodies together.
Really, isn't this stunning !?
I am in love ♥
Well, I just want to tell everyone on DK, that you are a wonderful group of Doodle loving friends.
I have enjoyed every and all my moments on here. 
I acquired Finnley through my son. He was leaving for college, and he wanted me to have someone to turn my attentions on after he was gone. I guess me just kicking back and relaxing didn't occur to him.
I am glad that he did get Finnley for me.
If he hadn't, I wouldn't be having all the fun that has come from living, and traveling with a big goofy doodle dog. Not to mention, I would have missed out on many wonderful friendships on this wonderful site.
I'll never tell him what a favor he did me, although I think he already knows. When he is home and he sees me on my tablet, he'll say
"You on that Doodle site again mom ?"
 I chuckle and say, "It's called Doodle Kisses !"
Hugs to all, and keep Doodling ♥
P.S. I'll give you all a hint on the next HDA winner.....
It is someone with a doodle

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Congratulations. :) I loved your whole narrative! Enjoy your goodies!

Congratulations Sheila!  What a treasure trove, indeed!  Wear your HDA medal proudly!!

OMD, I'm SO excited for you Sheila...and Finnley!  You really, really deserve this award.  That portrait is amazing!

Thank you for all the nice comments. I really was thrilled with receiving the medal, and I am excited to send it on.... you know, after I have worn it around town,
a few hundred times little. Seems only fair to let the fine citizen's of Plattsburgh know about this impressive Doodle HDA winner !!
I wish you all a great weekend ! Oh, and I just have to post one more picture of this wonderful Finnley painting !!
Check Jarka's website out :  

Wow what an awesome presentation of the HDA award and I have to say I think you hit the "Doodle Load" with this box!  Great painting.  What a special gift from Jarka!  P.S.  The toffee covered cashews would not have lasted for a photo here either!

What a worthy recipient of the coveted HDA award!  I will always think of you as the woman who brought bling to DK!  Jarka did an outstanding job.  The portrait is fantastic - what an artist she is!  Congrats to you and the adorable Finnley!

Fabulous, especially the painting!  Congratulations!

Wonderful news, congratulations to you and Finnley both. Well deserved!

See, only Sheila can bring color and blink to DK! Well deserved award. It was my honor to ship the award and the goodies to you. DK people are so special!

And I think Monty fell in love with Finnley....I don't blame him.

Monty and Finnley

Congratulations, Sheila! :)

Congratulations Sheila and Finnley! I'm so happy for you, you make us smile all the time and it's wonderful to see you smiling in all the great photos! What a haul you got and the portrait is just amazing! Jarka, well done!!



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