Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Since taking Mac to the vet earlier this week it looks like things are physically getting better for him. He has completely stopped licking his paws and only licks his bum a few times a day as opposed to every hour before he was on meds. His ears no longer seem to have the brown yeasty build up and are smelling cleaner although I still have to continue to clean them and apply his topical ear antibiotic. 2 more days of full course steroids (1 pill X day) and then we go to 1/2 pill X day for a week. Still loves playing with his "brothers". He wants to be near me a lot and I have pictures of him laying on my foot or him putting his head in my lap which he does regularly. He still really doesn't have any light in those beautiful brown eyes and always bows his head when coming up to us. I know it will take time but its still sad and of course I question if he is happy here. Besides that everything is good. Im getting him to learn to walk nicely on lead and he has started getting in and out of the car on his own (without fear that I am taking him back to his old place). This is a new accomplishment as he previously did not want to get into my car to go places almost like he felt I was dropping him somewhere and leaving him but when we were done with a trip and said "Time to go back home" and got him in the car to head home he would do ok getting him to go in by himself.  I think part of that is that we go to get the kids at school and when I get him back in the car he gets in with the kids and thinks "OK im not getting left."

Anyway here are a few pictures of still sad big Mac.

Laying ON mom's feet. His favorite. He has to be laying on my feet or foot.

And here is his "Im gonna put my head in your lap and try to fall asleep" pose

I think its gonna take time to trust us. The vet said he is 3-4 but those eyes show a full lifetime of sadness. :(

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It sounds like Mac is doing wonderfully, and is becoming very bonded to you. Now he has someone deserving of his trust, and he'll figure that out. 

JD used to seem like a sad dog to me. One day I asked him why he looked so sad, and my then 7 year old grandson said "Nonnie, he's not sad, that's just how his face is." :) 

Your grandson is right!  Some dogs just have that "look".

Out of the mouths of babes! Love it!

I love that.....out of the mouths of babes.

He looks like such a lovely boy. It will take time, but that dog will love you forever for giving him a safe and loving home. Thank you for what you are doing for him.
I think Mac is doing great and that he will flourish under your care.

Jenn ~ what a terrific job you are doing with Mac.  He looks so much better!  Thank you for saving him and making his life the best it can be.  Keep us updated on his progress.

Kisses for that big beautiful boy!  He is just so relieved to finally have a wonderful home and now he just needs to realize he is there to stay!  You are doing a wonderful job giving him a second chance for a happy life!  Love the updates and look forward to more.

This made me tear up a bit - thank you for taking such good care of this guy!  He's a lucky pup!

I love that he is feeling better and I love the head in the lap!  He has someone to love and return the gesture! 

He is already showing he loves you and that big black nose is just the best. I think dogs can be like humans and their relaxed face can look kind of sad and grumpy. I often ask Quincy why he's looking so glum and believe me he really has no reason to be. :>)

My Quincy also has a sad face at times-and also has no reason to be!  



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