Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Hi everyone. I hope you are all well. Just wanted to update on Mac. He's been with us just about a month. I took him back to our vet for a recheck after his ear, toe, etc infections. It looks like the toe and bum infection has resolved. He hasn't really done a lot of licking the last week. However, his ear infection was so bad, we are still on ear drop anti fungals, and an added wash for 2 more weeks. The vet says she sees about 50% improvement from what it was but we were starting at a really bad infection when we got him. So we continue the treatment with a new wash and go back in 2 weeks. Vet thinks he may have allergies still and will refer him but wants to wait to see what happens once we get these primary infections run their course. Unfortunately we really talked about his hips and she thinks he may have an issue with the left one. She says no definite diagnosis until an xray which she isn't necessary yet. She started describing options for hip surgeries ranging from full replacement to other partial things but says lets see. We do have him under PetPlan now but not sure how/if it will help once we get to that juncture. I don't know how hard to push for more I ndepth examination at this time. He seems fine but I know dogs don't really show pain. So thoughts would be helpful.
Ive decided based on your comments, Mac just might always "look" sad. He is playing more and goes up to me, my huband and both kids when we enter a room. He seems happy although more laid back than the other doods. Not sure if that is related to age, history, the "honeymoon" phase, or any pain he may be in.
So my head is spinning.
Here are a few current pictures of Mac. His muzzle is finally beginning to grow out.
Alex, Mac and Grace
The Nimbus Brigade (Mac and Brisby)
He's such a beautiful dog! I love how comfortable he seems with your kids, and those smiles in that last photo make me smile!
As far as the hip goes, I wish I had some advice. If Mac is anything like JD, there is almost no way to ever know they are in pain unless it's excruciating, and of course we never want to let it get that far. I've learned the hard way that with these major stoics, you can't ever assume anything is not bothering them too much because they don't seem to be in pain. I personally always want a diagnosis or to rule things out as soon as possible, so that I know what I'm dealing with. I think I would find out what if anything is covered under the insurance and then do an Xray if possible. Hard to think about options when you aren't sure what if anything is wrong.
Give him a kiss on the nose for me.
Mac looks pretty happy in that last photo, and I love that one of him with the kids. I don't think those are sad eyes anymore, they look very gentle to me. Thanks for the update Jenn.
I was thinking the same thing Cheryl! Gentle, not sad! and beautiful btw!
He looks happy on the last one for sure! Our last doodle Tinker did not make a lot of expression, but I know he was happy go lucky based on behavior. He was pretty shaggy and his ears did not move a lot. You could barely see his eyes most times. We could see him happy more from actions than his face. Our other dog could move her ears a lot, so she seemed full of expression.
Poor ear! We finally cleared up a chronic infection with months of treatments but know that it worked and it sounds like your vet and you are on this one.
One day at a time with the rest of the hip issues. Cross that bridge when it comes to it.
I think he looks totally happy and what dog wouldnt be happy in your home!
He looks so happy in the last photo! Sounds like you're being an amazing mom :)
Mac is gorgeous...definitely not could he be with such an amazing family!~
I am glad he found someone on here. I wish every homeless dog could find someone who takes their care as seriously as you or any other person on here.
He will only get better with time, but he looks fabulous.
He is really beautiful and I am sure he is extremely happy with you. I swear his eyes will change and lose the slightly anxious look. It will take lots more time. If he doesn't seem in lots of pain from his hip, I would wait a while and let him enjoy life with you.
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