Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

The first time I posted about how Latka, the Doodle, I was impressed because he was able to track down Hurry, the turtle) wherever she went. The next posting was the fact that the turtle was now using the dog door to get into the house. NOW, the latest. This morning Latka was looking out the slidedoor and whimpering. We didn't think much of it because she does the same when she sees a rabbit. But Latkta continued. We opened the door and Latka jumped out and ran to the corner of our wooden deck. We followed. There, upside down, was the turtle. He had fallen over trying to climb onto the deck. If Latka hadn't alerted us the turtle could have been upside down for most of the day because we were both leaving for work. Sort of cool owning a Doodle....and a turtle.


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Very cool!

Cool story! I love hearing about things like that! You might want to consider making a little turtle ramp for your deck :)

Very cute story! I think its adorable how Latka has adopted Henry as her friend! 


Latka to the rescue!

Love a good turtle and doodle story. Latkta sounds like a great guardian, and Hurry is in good paws. Pictures of them together would be nice !

Hurry steals Latka's bed

Okay, it was funny when the turtle used the doggy door and it was great when Latka alerted us to the fact that Hurry was upside down trying to get on the deck. Today we came home and asked Latka to find Hurry. He ran into the bedroom. We followed. Yep, the turtle had stolen Latka's bed.  See picture and it wasn't faked. Poor Latka. I guess no good deed goes unpunished.


Too funny!

Love it! A turtle that thinks its a doodle :D



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