Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Finally we have a durable, good leash but Rippley poohed on it today :( how do I put In washer and maybe dryer without the metal clanging and possible harming the machine's drum? I was considering wrapping the hookend in something. Any ideas? Thx and sorry for the boring post!

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I put my leashes in the washer in a lingerie bag.

I use a lingerie bag to wash the leashes. I hang them up to dry. 

I have a leather leash, so I just wipe it down. I put his collars in the washing machine with a load of Teddy's blankets that we use in the car and I usually hang them up to dry.

Wow....I don't know that I've ever washed the leashes....that's not something I've even thought of doing.  Maybe someday...and at least now I know the best way to do it.

When you see them poohing directly on it (and Rip was having mush poos at the time) then the thought definitely occurs to you! :) blech!

I never thought of it or did it either, until JD started lifting his leg before I could get the leash out of his way. :)

I just hand wash with dish detergent and let air dry on those few occasions they have soiled them or dragged them thru yucky stuff . never thought of the washing machine, and actually, I think I've only washed the one leash they have twice in 6 years. They have a coupling type double leash that attaches to their gentle walker harnesses. I still use as it gives me great control over 120#'s of dogs. THey walk great, but trying to chase squirrels is just something that takes a lot of control still. 



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