Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I noticed Riley had crusty hair around her eye today, there was greenish yellow discharge from the corner, and the inner lid was a bit swollen. (Assuming she got it from day care on Monday. Ugh) I cut the hair back from her eye so it doesn't spread it around and wiped her eye off. Vet said try warm compress for 24 hours. I've been searching DK for other possible options to try. Has anyone had success with natural remedies? Also, how contagious is this for humans? Trying to figure out how to clean my house. Thanks!!!!


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IMHO she needs an antibiotic. You need not bother about cleaning the house but I would wash hands well after touching her.

I agree with F. An infection requires a reliable diagnosis and antibiotics. I'm surprised your vet didn't want to see her or prescribe something. 

Is she rubbing it? Avoiding brightly lit areas? Poor girl. A while ago, Rip had funny discharge and was sort of rubbing/seeking dark places so vet gave us antibiotic ointment right away as I wanted to nip it in the bud. It was easy to administer, but he had to endure it for two weeks! And it is extremely contagious to other dogs for up to a week after starting meds, per my vet. But not contagious to humans...I was careful to wash my hands after cleaning him, though. After a couple days of the rx I washed all his bedding and toys. I don't understand why kids can return to school after one day of pink eye meds, but dogs are contagious for longer...
Also, Discharge is a funny thing, sometimes it is hard to tell. If it is green though, I would have vet take a look. Hope she improves soon.

Bender and Emma both just got over a bout of pink eye (follicular conjunctivitis) that not only required antibiotic drops, but the vet insisted that they each finish their respective bottles.  I was also of the opinion that they picked it up from day camp, but of course, there's no proving that.  Washing hands after handling Riley is a must - it is contagious to people (at least in the case of my guys).  Good luck and hope Riley is better soon.

When Wally had conjunctivitis, he was put on a full course of antibiotic drops. We were advised to be careful, as it is contagious. Thankfully, it is easily treatable and Riley will feel better soon -- but (IMO), not with warm compresses, alone. 

Yellow/green discharge almost always means an infection. And infections don't go away with "natural remedies" or alternative medicine. If anything, it can strengthen the infection because on the off-chance you pick something that somewhat combats the infection, it will do so weakly. 

If you have to, take her to another vet to get antibiotics. 

Thanks everyone! Sorry for the delayed response. We have a vet appointment scheduled. I figured the color wasnt a good sign and it reminded me of the pink eye I had as a kid. Yesterday she rubbed her eyes/nose with her paws and pulled her ears over her eyes. Thought it was unusual but nothing looked wrong at that point. Just wish we could avoid antibiotics. I hate the side effects and don't want to start that cycle. Seems like I remember you suggesting something to take with antibiotics. What was the name? Is it ok to give regular yogurt? Riley already has big sad eyes. Her eye looks even sadder now. Feel so bad for her!
Great that you will get it taken care of for her asap!
Lucky you - I am too familiar with this as I have had it as an adult too many times. Sometimes bacterial, sometimes viral. No fun...

You should give a good probiotic like Proviable Dc when a dog is on antibiotics. But I'm not sure that antibiotic eye drops would have the same effect on gut flora as oral antibiotics. I don't think so. 

Cindy - yes, not good memories. I got it when my parents were gone and I was at my aunt and uncle's house. My eyes were sealed shut when I woke up. Kind of scary as a kid.

Karen - Thanks for the name and the good news it may not affect her gut that way.
Vet said Riley must have gotten something in her eye but no scratches. Already looking better. :-)



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