Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I recently completed the 365 photography challenge--one photo that I would be willing to share publicly every day for 365 days. I learned so much by doing this and I think it really helped improve my photography skills.  

Now, following Camilla, I am going to try the 52 week challenge--one photograph per week for a year that represents my attempt to solve a problem or learn a new skill related to photography.  There are some websites online that provide some great ideas in case my own imagination fails me.

Anyone who wants to join in is welcome to do so!

Week One

I visited Yosemite briefly this week as a guest for the 150 anniversary of the Yosemite Grant Act.  Between official events, I snuck off to the Mariposa grove to enjoy the giant sequoia trees found there.

The challenge in photographing the giant sequoia is how to capture its immense size.  Most people do this by shooting from the trunk straight up, but I decided to try to capture the massiveness of the tree by featuring it at eye level as it greets one on the trail.  Except for a bit of softness in the trial fence in the foreground, I liked the result particular since the trunks of other trees look so very diminutive in comparison to the sequoia.

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Thanks, Sue!  

This is gorgeous DJ!  Beautiful composition.

Thanks, Anne!

Wow - magical!

Thanks, Camilla!

DJ, this is spectacular!  I find the mist difficult to capture well....but you've really done just that with this image.

Jane, thank you. sometimes we get lucky!

The challenge this week was to try and get a decent image in an area of the country that I don't spend much time in and that has very different light and climate than where I live.  Minnesota at this time of year is often chilly and overcast with minimal light. I was in a great location for nature shots but only had 30 minutes each day for two days to do this.  I'm not really happy with any of the images but I'll share this one because it was an attempt at planning a shot.  

On day one I saw a rustic bench in the middle of nowhere and knew I wanted to photograph it if only a little bit of light landed somewhere near the bench.  On day two, I saw a small break in the clouds and during a 30 minute break from my meetings I ran (literally) back to that bench, which was about a half mile away, and sure enough there was a little light illuminating it even though the grass and atmosphere were still wet and soggy. 


Well I love it! It's so vibrant!

Okay, I'll give the image another chance :).  Thanks, Camilla.

I love it too. It fits right in with your bench from months ago, still my favorite. I see the book now, "Benches in the USA."

:)  Thanks.  I've always had a fantasy of sorts to do trips based on unusual themes--unique doors, benches, road signs, etc.



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