Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We would like to know what your adult doodle's favorite toy is!

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We have a defective doodle who does not care the least for balls.  : (

Mine all love the braided ropes.Its the only thing they can't destroy in 15 minutes.Even the fire hose toys don't last at my house.

Bubba is the same way. The rope toys are the only thing that last in our house! He loves just about any toy he can get his paws on, but anything with stuffing doesn't even make it into his pile of toys. He is a major shredder, so he doesn't get any plush toys, but he seems content with just about anything!

Busy Buddy Tug a Jug.  She destroyed the rope but carries it by the ball top.  When I put new treats in she sits at the top of the stairs and nudges it off the top step until it lands and then hopes the treats fall out.

My doodles favorite toy is each other. They play non stop. We hardly watch TV anymore. They are so much more entertaining!

Wally absolutely LOVES these soft, squeaky footballs by Hartz. We have lots of them and use them outside for fetch. They come in two sizes; the small is 3-inches across and the large is about 8 inches. Charlotte ADORES the plush balls from Tuff and Fluff. She mouthes them in an almost rhythmic pattern to put herself to sleep. We call them her binkies, since she uses them in much the same way that a baby would use a pacifier. Tuff and Fluff makes terrific stuffed animals, as well, and they are extremely durable.

I thought I'd share something that Wally's dentist's assistant told us when we were there for his consultation before the actual appointment for his tooth extraction early this week. I really don't want to be a naysayer, but I would feel guilty not telling you that besides warning against hard bones, she cautioned about the use of tennis balls as dog toys, as the coating is too abrasive and can wear down the small front teeth and the backs of the canine teeth. When I looked into this myself, I discovered many articles that support this caution. I had never heard of this before. Apparently, besides the outer coating on the balls causing wear and tear on the teeth, the nappy coating picks up dirt and grit and sand when used outside, which adds to the abrasive nature of the ball. I know that we can't protect our dogs from every potential hazard, but I just wanted to put this info out there for everyone to consider.


We recently added the tail teaser to our toy box and it really wears them out fast. We are happy to have found this one.



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