Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My daughter and son-in-law entrusted our first grandson to us for the weekend while they went off to a wedding. I guess she forgot how much I love dressing up Fudge and Vern in silly hats.

Well, I made good use of my time with our first grandson and can only say this is the start of something great, or at least until he gets old enough to fight back :)

First, I tried a Santa hat.

I had already done the French Bulldog hat....his canine siblings are Frenchies.

and even a cow hat....this photo session is to be continued...the hat was too big.....

and who could forget the famous elf photo

but I really think I outdid myself with this hat and I need a caption and not just any caption, a GREAT CAPTION! So, put on your thinking caps....I would be willing to take a picture....and may the best person win. Of course, there is a fabulous prize for the winner....your very own wiener hat and not a used wiener hat. We are talking a brand new, state of the art, wiener hat!!!


I will decide the winner by Friday and notify everyone of the results :) I want to make sure the winner gets their wiener hat for the holidays!

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P.S. For the youngsters on DK who don't have the Oscar Myer wiener song embedded into the neural pathways of their brains, here is the original commercial.

Golly I guess I am a youngster, thanks DJ.

F, I know you know that song :) Nice try! LOL

Wow, what a great song :) DJ, You are on fire. LOL

Cute photos.  I think I'll play for "F" as well ... "I think I prefer Frenchies and Doodles over this stupid dog"

Another great caption. I may have to let Megan pick the wiener :)

Nice pun.
A sarcastic thank you to all who are playing for me. I have instructed all package delivery companies to return any from PA.

I will have John send it from MD :)

"Oh, the dog days of winter!"
"Bite me!"



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