Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Peanut is a little over 4 months old now and has been barking at anything and everything since she's gotten her last shots. 

She doesn't bark at us, or when she's in the crate/car. But she does bark and GROWL at the slightest noise outside (like a car driving by) or inside (like lights turning on), any human or dog we're outside, even if we're far away from home. And it's always long multiple barks and growls.

I've tried redirecting her attention with treats, or walking her the other way when I anticipate she's going to bark. 

Anyone else experience this? I know she's scared...but I'm also worried she's learning to be aggressive?

She has her first training this weekend. We've socialized her with large groups, lots of different dogs, to the store, and other people's house from when she was 2-4 months and she's always been fine...thoughts?

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Replies to This Discussion

Rocket has started barking and growling more as well. He just turned 4 months. He is more aware of the world around him in general right now. My trainer told us treats, treats and more treats whenever they get anxious about something. So far it's really working with Rocket.
Wait, you're treating their fearfulness?

Glad to know I'm not the only one! I'll check with her trainer this weekend too :)

It sounds like Peanut is on alert, guarding you! If you want her to relax more, I'd definitely stress your leadership as well as try the doggy Dan 'thank you' technique. Have you checked him out? This works like a charm for us...

Thanks Cindy! I will check out his videos. Looks like he has a $1 trial going on so I'll def. give it a try.

Something I read said to acknowledge the sound or whatever it is and just reassure them that it's ok. I don't know though as I have no experience. ;)
It is important to make the distinction between reassuring a calm state of mind vs reassuring (and thus rewarding) a fearful state of mind. When we soothe (or worse, treat) a dog who is fearful, we unwittingly reinforce that behavior and the fear. Instead, let him understand that you are the leader, in charge, and will "take care" of whatever is alerting him. Then he can relax and let down his guard. It really is the kind thing to do for the dog. And it reinforces that you are in Charge, he will respect you, and there will be harmony in the house!:) doggy Dan has a great technique for this and was totally worth the membership or trial, IMHO. I "hired" him for four months and learned a lot! I can post his technique for you, too...

Thanks for posting the technique! I looked up that specific thread as well (tried searching before I posted too) :)

No I didn't explain that well. I treat him when he doesn't acknowledge what made him fearful. Like at puppy class if he doesn't hide behind me when a dog barks, I treat it. Or when someone walks by us all bundled up on our walks and he doesn't bark at them, he gets a treat.



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