Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

For anyone following the "Saving Ace Doodle" page on Facebook, Ace was caught last night around 10pm EST! He has been wandering around the Eagle Landing neighborhood in Orange Park Florida since at least June, possibly longer. As it turns out, this is not the dog we thought we were looking for but it doesn't matter. He still needed to be rescued no matter who he belonged to before or what his name was. We will probably give him a new name to go with his new life.

Tonight he is safely at the emergency vet and will be getting all the necessary tests before being transferred to Elizabeth's vet on Monday. They told us that he looks really good for a dog that has been on his own for so long. His teeth are pearly white and Doc says his skin is not in bad shape either. Looks pretty healthy but now we have to wait to get test results. His weight was 59.3 but he still manages to look quite thin. Im sure once he is shaved down, we may see a much smaller dog than we thought he was. Poor boy was a bit traumatized tonight but thats alright. It is a REALLY cold night in Florida and I'm glad he doesn't have to stay out there in it searching for a warm place!

He was done in by love. He had been visiting the house of a little shih-tzu, Bubbles, who was in heat. He actually followed her and her owner into a fenced in back yard. He tried hard to get away but finally realized that was not possible.

Elizabeth and I are incredibly grateful for all of your support! It has been a rough 4 months for us and we are just beside ourselves with joy and relief! Thanks to Joanne, we now have some donations coming in to help pay for all the vet care he will need.

Of course I took a few pictures.....

Just one quick updated photo tonight. More tomorrow.

Ok, I lied. Heres one more

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Such wonderful news! Thanks to you all for all that you have done!

Great news, as soon as he settles I bet he will be glad he was rescued and gets to be loved.

Ohhhhhhh.....I'm so sorry to see the follow-up on FB...that this is not Ace.    He is someone's baby though and I hope he'll be reunited with his family.     So sad for Ace's owner.    : (

I fit were not for the "original" Ace, this beautiful boy would never have gotten a chance. Im so happy that he did and very grateful to the original!

Glad to see this beautiful boy was caught. I am sad for Ace's owner, that she didn't get her own boy back. 

Well, I'm glad this poor doodle is now safe.

It is a beautiful thing to see! He is a beautiful boy!

Great news and good job all you dedicated rescuers. Talk about mats!

So glad to see you finally caught this handsome boy!  Thanks to everyone involved!!

You have done a remarkable thing in the rescue of this doodle. I am sad it is not The Ace, sad for his owners but happy for this boy. All of you who worked tirelessly for this should be very proud of yourselves. You have my huge admiration and thanks.

I'm so glad this baby is off the streets! Thank you all so much for all of the time and energy and money you put forth to help him.  But where or where is Ace???

I'm so relieved this poor dog is now if we only knew where Ace was.  Thanks to everyone who worked so tirelessly to make this happen.



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