Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
The advert was pulled due to legitimate protest but watch this discussion. The #GoDaddy #Puppy advert is the last one to be discussed in this clip but worth a watch:
The DRC FB pages just about exploded yesterday with articles about this ad, the petition, and then the announcement that Go Daddy was pulling the ad. There is a lot of speculation that the whole thing was a publicity stunt and the ad was never really intended to run. Who knows.
Regarding the clip you posted, if I needed one more reason not to watch Fox news (and I didn't, already have more than enough), that stupid woman at the far right would do it. Who the heck is she, anyway?
No idea, but such rubbish commentators with so little intelligence. I actually wonder if Go Daddy were bright enough to set up a contentious ad in the knowledge that there would be an outcry? One thing is for sure they have got a lot of publicity. Hopefully the BYB's will have taken a negative hit.
I felt the same way. I had to google Carley Simkus (the stupid woman on the far right) to figure out who she was. Now I get it....she works for Don Imus...she gets his coffee and makes the guests feel comfortable. Now it all makes sense.
I fear she is representative of a large portion of our population. :(
I think you may be right...I think many people are just missing the point. It is heartening though that 40,000 people signed the petition in just a little over one day.
The petition was encouraging but unfortunately, we still have a long way to go.
Judging by the comments even from some of those who signed the petition, a lot of people are missing the point.
I'm afraid you nailed that one Ricki. UGH!!!! As if the GD commercial weren't bad enough....watching this clip made me sick.
So happy and relieved that it was pulled:)
I agree with this - it was obviously meant to cause a stir and the more people share it, talk about it and watch it the more they are unwittingly supporting Go Daddy.
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