Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

While grooming our 5 month old goldendoodle, we found a flea, so we called our vet and asked for recommendations for flea prevention. They recommended and sold us NexGard, which is in a chewable pill form. The puppy took it with no problems. Our son's 18 month old goldendoodle also had no issues. Murphy, our 5 year old goldendoodle seemed fine at first but as the day went on, he became very itchy, began panting, became warm, and was rubbing his face in the ground,etc.  He looked so uncomfortable and it was bit scary! We started him on benadryl every four hours and he's made it through the night and seems fine this morning - eating and running around wit the others. When we've tried Frontline in the past with Murphy, he has vomited and had what seemed like mini seizures. Obviously, we won't give him this product again (or any other flea prevention) but we were wondering if anyone else has had this issue with NexGard? Frontline?  Maybe Murphy is just too sensitive to give any of these products to? 


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We have used Advantix, Frontline, and are currently using NexGard. My dogs have been fine with all three products, in terms of not reacting adversely to any of them. Advantix did a better job in the battle against ticks, but we switched to NexGard to avoid the slimy chemical residue on the dogs' coats. Now we use a combination of NexGard and Sentinal, and that is working well.

Some allergic dogs use flea collars as an alternative to the topical or chewable products. I hope that you find something that protects Murphy without causing any type of negative reaction.

Thanks! Fortunately we don't really have a flea or tick problem in our house, so hopefully if we can give the preventatives to the other dogs, Murphy will stay clean.

I used Frontline Plus on Bailey for over 2 years and then switched to NexGard.  She has not had any adverse reactions and it has kept her flea and tick free!  I love how easy it is .....she loves it!! 

Thanks for letting me know. SInce it didn't bother the other dogs, I'm going to continue to use it. Just not for Murphy. It sure was much easier than putting that messy stuff on their skin!

Loki uses Revolution and we've never had an issue with it, that's what the vet had recommended when we got him so we have stuck with it and it seems to be doing the job.
We use Nexguard on our three without any problems. We used Trifexis in the past and Tank's stomach could not tolerate.



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